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Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gladiatorat.9237


Pre-April 15: GW2 was by far and away the best MMORPG I ever played. Absolutely loved the game. Town clothes were a big part of that. When I and my friends would stop between fights, we would switch to town clothes and synch-dance. So cool.

Post-April 15: I honestly don’t enjoy the game anymore. I don’t mean to sound dramatic, but it is absolutely true. I hate almost everything about what they did to the game. Thank goodness for a few other key games right now. Sure, I do play occasionally because I have some friends who still want to, but my enthusiasm has completely been destroyed.

If you could do just one thing to help make it right by the players, please, please consider reversing the town clothes changes. We don’t want tonics and inability to dye the clothes we bought. We want the coloring and mix-n-match options that we used to have.

Quite agree. I play this game very casually and rarely, but I did enjoy the town clothing system quite a bit. My norn town clothes was one of the things I like the most about my character and I would switch to it any chance I had when I was in a town or camp. This new tonic system is quite stupid and also has greatly diminished my desire to play this game.