Showing Posts For Gleja.3024:

Jade Sea/Golems Hold/Apollo Glade

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gleja.3024


@Cowgurl: don’t feel bad, cutie <3 even with that build you’re still as noob as i am >:)

Wait what, u tell me not to feel bad then me noob
Such nice guildies! ‘^’

(i have also unlocked healing signet)


Jade Sea/Golems Hold/Apollo Glade

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gleja.3024


It’s not a single server thing, everyone and their mothers are abusing the meta fashion now. Every mesmer is a PU mesmer, every necro is a condinecro, every engi is condinade spammer, every ranger is a spirit ranger, every warrior healingsignet-hambow, every thief condistealth. There’s no variety, only watching a youtube vid and copypasting the actual OP trend, waiting for the next nerf and the next new OP meta. Add to that a total no respect for duelers (i’m not a dueler, but i respect fair fights) and a kittenton of runaways inside spawns/camps/towers searching for pve help. I don’t remember the last week i had good fun roaming tbh, lately imo it’s absolutely boring.

Stop hating on hambow maeeve, u make me feel bad


Aurora Glade vs Gandalf vs Desolation!

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gleja.3024


Guys why all the hate? This is the best match-up I’ve had in a LONG time. Both AG(as always) and Deso(more surprisingly) have provided good smallscale fighting and 1v1’s.


Unfortunately I can’t say the same about my time spend roaming. During my multiple hours roaming on both Deso and Gand border I havent encountered a single (!) 1v1 and barely any 1v2’s. Most of the time I was just getting run over by small roaming groups or even 10+ sized guild groups ( yes EXG that’s you lot ).

Then again, it’s christmas holidays, I’ll just blame the amount of younger players looking for easy l00tz

Too bad TUP ain’t raiding this week, seemed like there were quite a few groups running around during primetime which might have led to lots of fun fights.


Thrillers Sound/Golems Hold/Apollo Glade

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gleja.3024


Would like to thank both MS and GH guys for dueling at OS both yesterday and today.
Seems like both servers have quite a few really capable players amongst them!

Special shout out to the [IRON] Charr warrior i’ve faced yesterday, it has been quite a while since i lost a fight against another warrior , cheers mate!


FSP vs Gandalf Schwarzenegger vs Apollo Glade

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gleja.3024


U forgot we run 90% guardians Strang :s


05/07 Aurora glade - GH - Miller [Merged]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gleja.3024


To the FIRE guys building golems at our borders and killing 1-2 people with the help of a fully upgraded camp, what exactly were you laughing about 100 times?
You saw your new servers tick?
Or you laugh at yourselfs for getting killed by 3 people when you have a fully upgraded camp by your side?

Mainly to annoy you guys after we got our camp taken. Looks like it worked
Anyway, shout out to the bronze thingy ele and the engi, both were very good players and we couldnt take both of you down. When another 2 GH joined the fight, we had to fall back a bit to our camp because we wouldnt stand a chance.
Good fights none the less!


5/24 Dz-RoS-GH

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gleja.3024


Shout out to the [Zemy] thief I fought on GH BL near the mino’s, fun fight and a worthy opponent! Too bad I didnt encounter you later on

~ Asura mesmer with a red fro
