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Posted by: Glide Strife.9264

Glide Strife.9264

EDIT – I seem to have been moved to a consolidated frame rate drop forum. I created a new thread as the issue was NOT frame rate dropping specifically, and the issue was specific to a single zone, the dungeon, Ascalonian Catacombs. This is NOT a frame rate issue, in fact, I believe this to be a problem caused by the zone itself, making the following post more of a bug report.

What is going on with this zone? In most heavy populated areas on mid-high settings I get a stable 25-35 FPS, and feel no delay in movement or mouse turning. Inside AC my framerate drops, staticly, and I feel a heavy delay in all of my actions. The time between when I move my mouse and my camera turns gets as high as a second.

When all of my in game settings are reduced to the lowest settings, I reach stable framerates of 30+, but this delay in my movements does not disappear. I still find my camera turning almost a full second after I move my mouse. Furthermore, I can be nearly 100% certain that this is not caused by network lag, as a high latency would not create a delay in camera movement.

The basics of my computer specs are as follows:
- i7 930 Processor
- Nvidia GTX260 Video Card, using the beta drivers which the Guild Wars launcher recommended I download.
- Windows 7 64-bit OS

If there’s anything I can do to solve this problem, I would like to hear about it so that I might be able to actually enjoy the dungeon.

(edited by Glide Strife.9264)