Showing Posts For Glokta.9437:

22/12 BG - SoR - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Glokta.9437


Being on BG I can empathize with SoR’s frustration about coverage disproportion. Playing against SBI prior to T1 and then later in T1, we certainly held our own if not led outright in NA primetime against them on a number of occasions, holding territory and a healthy point lead…. logon the next day and we are 20k points behind. Rinse and repeat. We could outplay, outcoordinate and take the fight to SBI repeatedly and they would simply soak up what we threw at them in prime time like a sponge and then magically extend their point lead overnight.

I would say SoR is in a stronger position now than we were back then with distinct advantages in numbers in NA prime time consistently, so I imagine its even more frustrating if you are watching the scoreboard, which is why none of us really should. I learned my lesson in the matches against SBI. You have to just focus on playing your game while you are on and have fun.

That being said, BG is a lot of fun right now as it actually provides the best of the both worlds : We get to play the underdog during prime time, with constant action, without queues, good group play and a lot of motivation to work against the numerous and determined opponents on SoR and the much respected folks on TC. I’ve been through everything on BG since launch and these last five weeks have been the best WvW for us during all that time imo.

Lastly, I think everyone should keep in mind how much coverage issue influences the
NA makeup of all of the servers in the first place. SBI, JQ and SoS would be radically different today as would all of the servers if Anet had launched with NA specific servers. How many NA guilds have flocked to one of those three servers simply because they had the coverage to compete in T1? Remove the zone coverage need and a lot of NA servers end up elsewhere, redrawing server strength and standings altogether. So claiming that one version of time zone coverage is somehow less valid than another given the current system is just kitten in the wind.