Showing Posts For Gnaffy.4701:

Annoying display bug in "My Story" on hero screen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gnaffy.4701


wow, new patch and the bug is still there… again…

Annoying display bug in "My Story" on hero screen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gnaffy.4701


the real problem is that I got this bug since 3 weeks after the game came out, reported it in any possible way multiple times and yet nothing has been done! How hard can it be to fix something like this??

COE Submarine path is now bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gnaffy.4701


I can’t believe this is still bugged… noone runs this dungeon and doing the other 2 paths in a pug is way harder, especially if you find ppl that never did it.

Kicking from dungeons unavailable during fights

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gnaffy.4701


there’s no way to report this guys in the game, at least not a proper way, and it’s not the first time he does this… he’s at the same level of bugs exploiters, he just ruins the game. At least exploiters ruin the game for themselves, this guy ruined and will still be ruining other people fun, that’ s why I included his name. If a gm will tell me to remove it I will. If the thread will be deleted I’ll open a proper one.

Kicking from dungeons unavailable during fights

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gnaffy.4701


Even tho the party leader could still be a ****head, so yeah, the problem is not completely gone with the party leader system.

Kicking from dungeons unavailable during fights

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gnaffy.4701


yeah, that sounds good too… I didn’t search much around the forum, so I don’t really know if there are other similar topics… I’m just too angry… how can something like this be done!?

Kicking from dungeons unavailable during fights

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gnaffy.4701


…or at least make them unavailable after a point of the dungeon.
Today I saw a disgusting scene, I was doing CoE with 4 other people, this guy Lordrobson ,he was from a polish guild on Blacktide, (it’s not the first time he does this, that’s why I’m including his name) started braggin about how good he was, that’s not a problem, I just laughed and kept going… when he died on the last boss he decided to kick another party member, after 1:30 hours of dungeon! only because he died twice because of this guy!! Of course I didn’t vote, but when I saw that the other guy got kicked I finished the fight and then got mad at him, I reported and blocked Lordrobson… but nothing can be done, he didn’t break any rule in use (at the moment at least), that’s why I’m asking for this change in the kickking action. Guys like this just ruin the game for other people, I hope I’m not the only one that thinks this.

(edited by Gnaffy.4701)

Annoying display bug in "My Story" on hero screen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gnaffy.4701


Bump. I can’t believer noone did anything in 40 days for what seems a simple bug…

Annoying display bug in "My Story" on hero screen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gnaffy.4701


I have reported this bug infinite times, nothing has been done nor said in the past 30something days… my bug is almost the same but slightly different I can’t see anything past “Estate of Decay” even tho I completed my story.
This is such an incredibly annoying bug, I’d like to see the choices I’ve made during my storyline and just read the whole thing… but I can’t!

Cannot access the bottom of the My Story tab

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gnaffy.4701


Meh… and the bug is still there… I wanna read my whole story, too bad this bug doesn’t let me. Are they ever gonna fix it? Like the visual bug on medium karma-bought shoulders at lvl 80, still there :\