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Raffle: Flameseeker Prophecies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gondrakif.4510


Suggestion 1:

Create a guild
Place the Flameseeker Prophecies in the guild bank
Everyone who wants to participate is invited to the guild (they can only deposit in the guild bank)
Every member deposits in the guild bank 1 copper instead of 1 gold for tickets
When you reach your goal of at least 2000 tickets (aka 20 silver):
Remove all the gold from the bank
Make a guild message informing the members to deposit gold
Each member must now deposit the same amount of gold as they did copper (log those in your spreadsheet)
When you have the same amount of gold as you did copper in the bank:
Change the guild message to the winner’s name
Withdraw the gold and give the winner rights to withdraw from the guild bank.

People will only give gold when it is certain that the raffle will happen so you don’t have to go through refunding everyone if you don’t get enough interest.
Guild bank log can help with logistics.

Guilds have a 500 member cap.
Some people are already on the max amount of guilds.
You have to make a guild and spend ~10g to unlock the guild bank and 500 members.

Suggestion 2:

The same as suggestion 1 but done through mails to avoid the guild hassle and bypass the 500 member cap.
It’s a bit less transparent imo and you have to find a way to inform everyone that there is enough interest so they have to send gold (probably through this thread).

Good luck!

(edited by Gondrakif.4510)

Fractal levels above 30 to be reset?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gondrakif.4510


Right now 50 is pretty inaccessible for the vast majority of players, probably myself included. It would quite literally take me months to ever see the new content if that were true, and more likely than not I’d simply give up on it as other parts of the game called more loudly. This is back to the accessibility issue. If you make it seemingly out of reach, people won’t bother sticking their hands out to try and grab it. The carrot on a stick doesn’t work if the carrot is so far away you can’t see it.

This is no accessibility issue.
You will get to do Thaumanova Reactor and Molten Furnace and Aetherblade Fractal at your current level even if you are level 1. You won’t miss them. You will be able to play that content as soon as it goes live. What you will be missing is the harder version of those and well if you want to play that it’s pretty fair to ask of you to play the intermediate levels (up to the hard/soft cap level 50) that has been in place for over a year.

Fractal levels above 30 to be reset?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gondrakif.4510


This reset thing seems a bit irrational to me…
With the current system you can get up to level 50 on your own as intended.
Now they want to add 20 new levels that have some extra difficulty.
So why not let them be 50-70?
Why does everyone have to go back to 30?

why not let em be 81-100 nobody would complain… 80 was the cap before realease the cap and make new Levels it seems fine for me… but not just reroll Progress of ppl

Because getting to 80 after the patch was impossible unless you had someone who had 80 help you. In my opinion 50-70 should be the new levels and ppl at 80 should be left as they are, if they wanted to reset them it should have been done when 50 was hard capped. It would be a complete joke to everyone who did odd fractals to progress after the patch to be reset.

This reminds a bit of LDoA, although back then they gave a title to everyone who did it and after years they made an easy way for the rest to do it….
It’s not the same but there is a resemblance…

Fractal levels above 30 to be reset?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gondrakif.4510


This reset thing seems a bit irrational to me…
With the current system you can get up to level 50 on your own as intended.
Now they want to add 20 new levels that have some extra difficulty.
So why not let them be 50-70?
Why does everyone have to go back to 30?

Engineer Lupicus Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gondrakif.4510


Really nice!
One question though: During phase 3 Lupicus never used the dome attack, was that random or is there a trick/way that makes him never use it?