Showing Posts For Gothran Phalamor.1896:
Glad to know I’m not the only one having this issue… First it’s not being able to access CoF, now it’s I can’t DO CoF properly… Painful.
Can’t wait for Magg to get worked out; he’s by far one of the most screwed NPC’s ever.
How can this not be priority #1. Ask Blizzard how they do it, anything. Instead your adjusting tokens, nerfing dungeons for people who run it too fast and all kinds of things while the majority of people can’t even get a group into the same instance??
We have multiple teams working on different things. In the case of this issue, we have programmers working on this solution since it is purely based on background things.
Whereas tokens and exploit fixes/nerfing/buffing is largely a design thing with code support for things we currently aren’t capable of (see: DR system). We’re actively working on an assortment of issues, and I guarantee you that the party functionality is top priority for a team of very dedicated folks.
Only one question… WHEN? Its 5 days now… and weekend is here and still nothing…
They updated the stick for the dungeons mentioning they had found the fix for the tokens giving back low amounts of tokens, so my bet is hopefully a fix around then.