Showing Posts For Graysen.8536:

PSA about Black Lion Chests/keys

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Graysen.8536


Black Lion keys and chests are most definitely like maple story ftp pochinko garbage yes.

PSA about Black Lion Chests/keys

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Graysen.8536


Huge rip off. Just get rid of them Anet. Leave that type of stuff to maple story and keep that trash out of this game. Seriously, just get rid of them.

Possibility GW2 Never Gets Full Expansion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Graysen.8536


Things that I want and think this game desperately needs:

New dungeons where I can EARN my own gear
New zones to farm top end mats and new events along with it(currently only 3 zones where you can farm ori)
New races and classes to feed my alt-hunkering needs
I want to explore!!! I loved leveling up and exploring new areas finding “hidden” gems and seeing beautiful vistas

And all of that I am willing to either buy a boxed expansion or pay per content. Although I’d rather have the traditional expansion with CE edition. Just saying.