Showing Posts For Grekk.9450:

Gandara v Fsp v Ag

in WvW

Posted by: Grekk.9450


I think fsp left the forum, a bit like they left the matchup

Fury on AG

Gandara v Fsp v Ag

in WvW

Posted by: Grekk.9450


nice fight’s all, was fun week… but tbh I would rather like FSP to stayed in T4 rather then AG…
didn’t practically see any good AG fights, must be off hours capping and capping some unimportant tower just to get points and avoid fights unlike FSP

if you want fights go play sPVP
www is about conquering and defending, not zerg vs zerg smashes on the field in the middle of nowhere .. you are aparently in wrong game ..

If you want fights go play spvp ………. This is so wrong i find it hard to believe you were serioua when you said it. perhaps you werent and youre a troll. If you are i send you bunnies

Soooo how close to a keep must a fight be to make it a “valid” wvw fight and not a “spvp” fight?

I suggest you come join AG – we only fight withing 50 yards of an objective, anyone that doesnt is subject to severe sanctions inclsuing a talking to to and … if youre a bad bad person and repeat offender you may get frowned upon

Fury on AG

(edited by Grekk.9450)

Gandara v Fsp v Ag

in WvW

Posted by: Grekk.9450


Too close a match for GvG, gandara could have today but most weren’t on really and a lot of the guild commanders were in a server meeting for most of prime time.
Maybe next week

What really you couldnt have done gvg for 1 hour? Against our bunny-legion? Doesnt sound right to me. Sounds like you all got scared and wouldnt play without blob.

Open season – open invitiation – any guild in our next matchup is welcome to gvg – and this is with all respect. You win we will take our hats off to you no complaints and vica versa.

Afterwards we will all roll in clover and hug bunnies

Fury on AG

Gandara v Fsp v Ag

in WvW

Posted by: Grekk.9450


I’ll embrace them when there’s another daily ambient achievement.

Makes no sense – Return to start – do not pass go, do not collect £200

Fury on AG

Gandara v Fsp v Ag

in WvW

Posted by: Grekk.9450


Have fun next week in T4 AG.
Gandara will have to up their game to keep up with the BB zergs, make sure you don’t get left behind

Seriously stop the jealousy and hate and think of a bunny! It will make you a better person. Trust me. Embrace the bunnies.

Fury on AG

Gandara v Fsp v Ag

in WvW

Posted by: Grekk.9450


Still better than third and we have bunnies – Dont hate me dude – embrace me!

Fury on AG

Gandara v Fsp v Ag

in WvW

Posted by: Grekk.9450


nice fight’s all, was fun week… but tbh I would rather like FSP to stayed in T4 rather then AG…
didn’t practically see any good AG fights, must be off hours capping and capping some unimportant tower just to get points and avoid fights unlike FSP

We’ve been asking for gvg all week but not one guild wanted to step up.

Go figure

It may be because we have bunnies tho

Fury on AG

Gandara v Fsp v Ag

in WvW

Posted by: Grekk.9450


I told you over 12 hours ago – will no-one think of the bunnies. FSP you showed no bunny love and now youve paid.

PS welcome to 3rd place despite your pitiful non-bunny zergs

PPS if youd been nicer to my earlier posts and respected bunny-love this wouldnt have happened

Fury on AG

Gandara v Fsp v Ag

in WvW

Posted by: Grekk.9450


No Jacky no! Youre not thinking bunnies – everyone concentrate on bunnies!

Fury on AG

Gandara v Fsp v Ag

in WvW

Posted by: Grekk.9450


Im actually enjoying the matchup much more than the last few weeks. And I have respect for Gan and FSP. And Im even from Fury and I bring love not hate! Everyone have fun!

Last day – group hugs, kisses and may your easter be full of fluffy chickens and bunnies!

Fury on AG

Aurora G. vs Baruch B. vs Riverside week 4!

in WvW

Posted by: Grekk.9450


I appreciate this Grekk and i know that not all of AG did this, but some well known Guilds where involved……….

I’d like it known that Fury were not one of them, just prior to that we have turned AG back Blue to prove a point that we could – then as BB will testify by the trail of dead we took 7 commanders and a zerg to their borderlands looking for fights. While we were on BB the AG map rolled over. I dont want Furys name dragged through the dirt for it. (We manage to do that on our own server with our own particular brand of drunken trolls )

Fury on AG

Aurora G. vs Baruch B. vs Riverside week 4!

in WvW

Posted by: Grekk.9450


FURY-member thanks for your kind words…………….would rather know what TUP think about that style of gameplay of yours………….think about it.
Hopefully you will learn about that failure……..

Greets Myrmi

Please dont tar all AG and Fury members with the same brush, personally I abhor whats been done and shame on whoever organised it “on behalf of” AG. They certainly dont speak for me.

Fury on AG

Abbadons Mouth Vs Gandara Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Grekk.9450


Sorry to intrude on your squabbles but really looking forward to fighting you guys again after reset! Especially Gandara – one of my favourite servers to go up against. You don’t ever back down (unlike this weeks opponents)

Much love!

Fury on AG


in WvW

Posted by: Grekk.9450


Dear FSP, Been in your bay for a few hours now holding it with just FURY against your entire server. The weathers lovely, been down to the water a few times bur its not good for swimming as its full of your blood.

Had an outing to to see some nice trebuchets but they got broken along with your zergs, sorry about that. Back in bay now building sandcastles.

Still its been a lovely visit, im sure you’ll come in and see us again soon. Bring more and we can party!

Lots of love


Fury on AG

AG vs WR vs GH

in WvW

Posted by: Grekk.9450


Dance party tonight before reset anyone?

Fury on AG

Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: Grekk.9450


I’m an officer of a small guild – around 10 active members who are all friends, some of us play WwW but are discouraged as there aren’t enough of us online at the same time.

Im sure there are other small guilds in this position and God knows the server needs the numbers. We need to try to pool all the smaller groups together too.

Do Fury or the other large wvw guilds openly recruit new members as im sure a number of ours would join in order to play as part of a larger force?

Fury on AG