Showing Posts For Grey.5731:
Wanted to bump it, to see if I’m the only unlucky one here.
60 legendary insights:
- 13 minis
- Boots from vg
- Rifle from sabetha
- Weapon chest from matthias
So profitable…
@Thanatos – Actually i find chak weapons easier, I’ve been doing TD/AB meta every day for quite some time and I need like 3 more eggs and I’m done with Chaks and need about 5 1h auric weapons. As even if you fail the meta in TD you are rewarded with chak egg (note it rarerly fails), which seems to be the main problem in this collection and consider if you have 6 toons + 2 chakk weapon chests (achievement + pvp track) that leaves you with approximately 4 2h weapons and 6 1h weapons, which in total costs about 38, so you will need maximum 38 runs if you haven’t dropped any eggas from caches/bonus chests. In general in the worst case 5 runs of TD are needed for one 2h weapon (you will get enough ley-line crystals + 5 eggs), for one Auric Weapon 1 handed you need 150 dust (it’s down to RNG but I usually get around 10 dust per run), which would be 15 runs, that makes 1h auric weapon needs 3 times more grind than chak 2 handed weapon.
@SlateSloan, @Ayrilana – Aurilium is not the problem here, ascended dust/auric ingots are.
@Blood Red Arachnid – Fair point I agree on that one, doing meta can be rewarding, never said it isn’t.
Thanathos as it was already mentioned with additional toons it’s easy, imagine you have basic 5 and instead of needing 30 ingots you need 50 auric ingots, I’ve done successful tarir 25 times and I got like 2-3 ingots drops and about 300 dust ( i was opening chests with more than one toon couple of times).
There is not much to do in HoT except collections, that’s the case.
You mean, there’s not much for you to do. I’m not working on collections at all and I have plenty of things to do.
Really? Like what? Raid – once per week, story – once, map completion – once, not much to repeat except collections and I’ve done all of it pretty much by playing ~2 h per day average.
To everyone who is saying “run the story with many characters” you are missing the point. Auric weapons are needlessly expensive to craft and the ability to get them by other means is irrelevant.
This exactly, if you have enough toons sure you can run story which is easy, but if you would like to go ( or don’t have that many slots ) crafting, the collections is terrible as the requirements are really high and not to mention they don’t make any sense (ascended material needed to craft rare material).
So it’s not just to whine about the colllection itself, it’s just the crafting way, which should be nerfed (in my opinion at least).
I don’t see any problem with that collection. It is not like you need it. If you want to appease your collectionist syndrom, you can do it.
There is not much to do in HoT except collections, that’s the case.
(edited by Grey.5731)
Mostly I agree with you I think most people don’t really complain about BL collections, since at least to me they are pretty much for people who spent cash/in-game gold on gems, as they are not really accessible via other in-game methods (you can’t farm keys in a ‘normal’ way).
I don’t even mind other hard collections like full ascendent, or exotic weapons collections, which ain’t easy. Just auric weapons are placed in the ‘basic’ collections, and they require way too much than any other, even if you decide to go for specific dungeon collection there is nice way to get them (3 different dungeon paths + pvp reward track which helps a lot), here you just have to do ONE specific meta, I don’t consider maguma reward track a viable method, since full track gives you just one auric ingot (2 hand weapon’s core needs 10, 1 hand weapon’s needs 5). In addition meta is time gated, which forces you to play at specific time and that makes it even worse.
And yes we have a choice, mine for the current state is just not care about this as it’s way too demanding in my opinion, which is sad as there is not much to achieve in the expansion except collections.
Linseed oil is not a problem at all in this collection, auric dust (needed for auric ingots) is. I’ve done the tarir meta about 30 times, cleared map and story with 6 characters and I don’t even have a stack of auric dust, I took 2 hand weapons from story and pvp track, so I’m left with just one handed and they still require 1350 dust (sic!).
(edited by Grey.5731)
Different characters have always been able to earn their own rewards in the personal story, even in the core game. It’s the achievements/mastery points that can only be earned once.
Dulfy has a page which suggests which weapon each class should select in order to minimize costs:
This is what Malediktus said:
Just keep redoing the personal story.
This is what I said:
Will it give the rewards even if they were already done by specific character?
Conclusion: I stated that redoing story with specific character didn’t work with Core game neither it does with HoT, according to what I’ve heard at least.
If Malediktus suggested buying extra character slots just for the story, would be kinda bad to spend like 10 * ~150 g ( there are 10 one hand weapons ) = 1500g to complete basic collection instead of grind (not to mention you need to grind a lot to get that amount of money, or I’m missing something crucial.
(edited by Grey.5731)
Because there isn’t much to do except those collections? Also I’m not doing it at current state, just wanted to point out that the requirements are kind too demanding for both reward and basic collection.
Just keep redoing the personal story.
Will it give the rewards even if they were already done by specific character? I thought it didn’t work like that at least with Core stories.
Well just realized something, is the requirements for the Auric Weapons Collection intended (basic collection)? Entire collection costs:
Aurilium – 5800
Auric Ingots -110 = 3300 auric dust + 3300 auric slivers
+ others like linsed oil, orichalcum ingots/ancient planks
Let’s say you have 6 toons, you take 2 hand weapons from story and PvP track then you are left with just one hand weapons cool, but… you still need:
Aurilum – 2500
Auric Ingots – 45 = 1350 auric dust + 1350 auric slivers
Question: For real?! This is like uber grind, not to mention having to use ascended materials to craft rare materials (auric dust required for auric ingots) makes completely no sense.
Let’s say you open all chests after completion (26-27) and average you get 1 dust, you will still need 50 successful runs when you had to buy about 20 additional keys from merchant for 200 aurilium + 19 silver total.
Would be nice if some dev would say that its working as inteded, as it seems bit overpriced.
PS. I know I’m not forced to do it, but since expansion is basing on collections they should be made people do more interesting stuff than just grind to death for rewards which aren’t even worth the effort.
Hello, there! I’m EU player and I may also have a request on my own, I’m not really a type of guy who asks for stuff, but since I can’t really afford it myself, I would be eternally grateful if someone could gift me Commander’s Compendium for Commander’s tag, I know it’s not really a TP or GemStore item, so my Gifter would have to either donate some money or items I could sell for in-game gold, but I still decided to take my chance here. Even though I do not spend my cash a lot currently I’m at about ~96g when I need 300 for that item, which is still long way to go for me.
- You might ask why should you support me in this?
- On daily basis I run meta events on new maps, often commanding them, if not still I try to help as best as I can in organizing.
- Organizing and leading multiple HP trains on new maps
- Helping to lead pug raids
- Leading/Helping World Bosses
Currently I’m using my mentor tag, which to some degree is really useful, but lacks additional things commander tag provides with, not only the squad which is the most important thing, improved communication, but also markers, so people can go to correct places without any problems or doubts and at the end… the authority, as a lot of people still tend to ignore mentor tags or grant them less attention, so it’s not a common situation when there are 3 commander tags and one mentor, the mentor’s lane gets much less people or in case of VB often no people on his/her outpost at T4 Night.
Commander tag also helps with organizing map as people join maps with commanders more often.
When running HP train (especially in TD) as a mentor I simply can’t track all the people following, so if some are lost during the way, I often can’t really help them since my party is limited to 5 people.
I’m experienced player, who would like to contribute more but since I lack pure gold for something so essential in better organization I decided to ask kind souls here.
So conclusion would be I would really, really, really appreciate any donations towards the Commander’s Compednium, I also think people who are on the maps/trains led by me would appreciate it as well. Thanks in advance for any support!
- First he heals way better than I do even if he has more total hit points.
- Drinking reduces just small percentage of his life.
- He seems to use belch almost always when I try to heal, he can wait 6 turns and non stop drinking just to wait for me to use healing then counter it with belch…
-When he has less than about 70% hp he starts spamming his special ability, I have maybe one round between the uses.
- Brought him about 5 times to 0 hp (at least there was no health bar) I had just a little bit more than 1000 and then I always lose no matter what me or he does.
- Also it is not uncommon to see him spot me bluffing right after the start even if he has not his special ability on. This situation also occurs during the fight.
About 3-4 hours of trying to beat him, still didn’t manage to win. Even if it’s intended to be that hard the reward for this should be better than just a couple achievement points.
(edited by Grey.5731)