Showing Posts For Grim.1306:

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grim.1306


gumble grumble grumble

Your friends got different dalies. On a new account, my wife got kryta vista viewer today, not Orr Vista viewer.

I’ve posted screenshots twice before showing the different dailies new accounts get.

And instead of the Claw you get SB.

You friend are a star, and I fail at not having read this monster of a thread completely.

Thank you.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grim.1306


Not read the whole thread. Just making my few observations known. Also never posted on your forum in the 2yrs that I’ve had accounts with you, until the last 24hrs.

I talked 3 friends into getting the game recently, At the time the dailies were behaving quite well.

None of my friends are currently interested in PvP and none of them are over lvl 30, but it was fine, the dailies were behaving. Until today.

Claw of Jormag and Orr Vista viewer… really?

While I’ve never supported the ‘dumbing down’ of the game in any way, Way to go with the new player experience.

Also, the old system did not create the constant “event pls?” spam or the zerg groups that frustrate the people genuinely doing map completion in those zones.

Did anyone ever complain that the old system needed changing?

That’s all

Edit: Been politely informed that I’m talking out of my rear and that my friends will get level appropriate dailies. Will now slink back to my non-vocal majority community for another prolonged period..

(edited by Grim.1306)

Unable to sell anything on TP

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Grim.1306


EU server: Seafarer’s Rest.

More like 2 hours now, can neither trade items or convert gems to gold. Lions Arch chat occasionally animated

Suspect issue will be ignored til tomorrow when it becomes a non-issue due to less people playing…
