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HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: GrimmyMays.5814


Oh my… My my… My… ArenaNet you’re letting me down with this new expansion. It being $50 and all I get out of it is Maguuma Jungle, Guild Halls, A single new profession and some other little stuff that carries us along our journey towards these new features. Now, before I continue I mean no disrespect, these new added features are great, in fact upon purchasing Guild Wars 2 I was surprised that Guild Halls weren’t already in the core game considering they were in Guild Wars 1. So I’m highly excited to see the return and new additions to Guild Halls.

Yet, the point is I don’t want to pay for another core game and at the near same price of another core game for what is offered. The content to currency ratio is off. My argument is valid considering the expansions for Guild Wars 1 ranged $30 to $40. Eye of the North was $30 and Nightfall $40, in fact I have the cases sitting on my lap as I’m typing this remembering all the old memories I had playing them. Now my analysis on the reason why there is a price difference is because EOTN offered a section of the map and Nightfall offered Heros, being a large new addition to gameplay, a large new map, and two new professions.

Yet, Nightfall was released in 06 and EOTN in 07. So there is a time difference, there has to be more time and thought put in to content creation. But, if were are comparing time to games, the Nightfalls content release is no where near what the Heart of Thorns release, if anything it is similar to the $30 EOTN. But we again have to equate time. I’m not paying $50 moneys for this little expansion, neither are my five other friends and many other Guild Wars 2 fans.

I will how ever pay $40, if a expansion like Heart of Thorns was released for Guild Wars 1, it would easily be $30-35 but this isn’t 2007. Nor is Heart of Thorns on the content level of Nightfall. This is my reason for not wanting to purchase the new expansion, not because I’m a broke cheap skate “egotistical self entitled prick” which is what some forum user said to those who don’t like the price. Or because the “core game” is included “for free.” It’s because I can’t find the logic or reason in this pricing… Aside from a little extra cash for that new Bugatti Chiron that Mike O’Brien probably wants. c;

Skillpoint - Bear Shaman Marga - Broken.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GrimmyMays.5814


In south Wayfrer Foothills, in the underwater cave Marga lays in front of her little shine not moving or responding to any thing. It’s almost like she’s a citizen because the only thing you can do is greet her. Hope it gets fixed soon, thanks. Also, I guested on another server and the same issue occurred.


(edited by GrimmyMays.5814)