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Pro Gamer switching games, LF GUILD!!...

in Guilds

Posted by: Grinch.8521


MMO Gaming Experience:
Dark Age of Camelot (60 shadowblade w/ LEFT AXE MAX, PRE NERF FACE MELTER! someone will know what I mean)
World of Warcraft (80 Rogue, I do the stealth thing)
Aion (ranger? something like that with stealth)

RTS Gaming Experience:
Warcraft 2 + 3
SC2 (ZERG!!!!! MUHAHAHA inject, inject, inject, inject) (current focus)

BS in Computer Science

Professional Pursuit:
Mobile Application Design/Web (iOS, Android, HTML5, CSS, ya knows..)

So why am I putting out a gaming resume? Because I have something to offer, but I also have requirements of my own.

I would like to join a respectable, friendly, fun, group (guild) of people who take their gaming seriously, like to strategies and use tactics, and have strong leadership. As it is a huge time investment for all of us who are aware of our addiction and wroth while to surround yourself with people with similar aspirations and goals!

I am willing to fit PvP group roles, I am not aware yet of which classes are under played, or more desirable for group dynamics in WvWvW or whatever it is I’m about to dive head first into! So if you are looking for a skilled player to fit a specific goal I might be the player for you, if your the right fit for me.

Thanks for looking!!!

Happy Hunting!
