Showing Posts For Gustave.9170:

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gustave.9170


As a solo player of middling ability (former long time WoW player, got tired of the grind), everything I am reading tells me to wait to purchase HoT, which is a shame, as I am looking forward to it. I have a solo guild (none of my former WoW guild-mates made the transition) and would like to have a guild hall to park my toons (3 80s and another on the way). I think I get where Arena is going and hope they throw some bones out for a more or less casual player like me. I want the expansion to succeed, as GW2 has been, on the whole, an excellent experience for me and I want to both see it succeed and contribute financially by purchasing the expansion, but I don’t see anything that suits my style of play. I should note that I don’t want Nerf Central, but I also don’t want (yet another) more or less full time responsibility, which is the reason I left the other MMO that I won’t again mention. I hope that those who have suggested that Arena will adjust things to a more favorable balance are right. If so, then I’m all “shut up and take my money”. If not, well, I’ll figure something out. Thanks all for the comments. They help.