Showing Posts For Gutrot.9437:

Now I see it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gutrot.9437


Yea, the level issue is a good point. It could be fixed probably by allowing story mode to be run several times for yellow drops etc., so under 80’s could do that instead? Exp modes could be restricted to only lvl80.

Now I see it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gutrot.9437


So, last night I ran CoF 2 and 3 with a good pug group. We had 2 Guardians, rest were ranged. All were pretty well geared. Everyone seemed to be a bit older, and the atmosphere was relaxed, and wipes were taken with humor, not emorage.
Previous to this, I thought the dungeons were artificially made harder with stupid number of too hard mobs. But these runs made me see the light, it was fun and challenging.
But, this did present a problem, as 80% of pugs are not like that, and present “end game content” does not just simply scale. Why would it be so hard to give pug people dungeons that let them grind (sorry farm) tokens, or even yellow gear. Let the fanboys have their insanely hard must-have-guild-and-voicecomm dungeons and flashy armor skins.
I am sitting with 80 Guardian, and I have most fun discovering cooking recipes, and that is borderline depressing. In all other games I have played (wow rift lotro) I loved running dungeons and raids, now I have family, and I can’t invest time to pro raiding. GW2 penalizes casual players trying to run dungeons, kitteny rewards that you get at the end, and moronically balanced repair bills make it a bit of a gamble to enter a pug.

Hmh, I read my post, and I dont really give any new insights, but it is so long that I dont want to discard it

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gutrot.9437


Yeah…. I have no idea what you guys want me to do in this game. All nerfing and “farming” restrictions feel like they are created by 13yrs old. I have no problem paying monthly fees if you in return develop the game to be more fun instead of this.
Dungeons and their “tactics” are badly designed when compared to any other game I have played (WoW, WHOL, Rift). I mean even Rift wasn’t groundbreaking new and innovative, but you had hard dungeons that could actually be completed with a good pug groups if all were trying.

Ofc, the answer why is “to buy more gems”?

"Tanks" needed for dungeons?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Gutrot.9437


2. So why not allow me to spec a tank with some aggro tools, and let those who want to spec as a DPS to go glass cannon
3. People with same language or guild can still run the instances and rolldodge their hearts content, I don’t want to take that away.

I don’t see how such a system could exist parallely with one rewarding an ancient mindset. People will always choose and prefer what they are used to. Since that would become a dominating mindset it will become outright obligatory. So the other one goes extinct and in doing so it will defeat one design purpose of the game.

Well, there are several people that defend the current role free gameplay, claiming that they enjoy the challenge. It’d be pretty funny if they would voluntary change to holy trinity if game would permit.
What I’m after here is, that why not let both groups get their wish. It would only be a small change, adding a bit of utility to here and there.

"Tanks" needed for dungeons?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Gutrot.9437


1. you would sit in town for 2 hours for healer (almost everyone want to play awesome DPS)
2. some classes are better than others in specific roles
3. its not luck, ppl need to learn to dodge and ress others not only DPS all the time

1. Nope, I’d like to click the LFG tool, get a group, and be teleported to the dungeon
2. So why not allow me to spec a tank with some aggro tools, and let those who want to spec as a DPS to go glass cannon
3. People with same language or guild can still run the instances and rolldodge their hearts content, I don’t want to take that away.

"Tanks" needed for dungeons?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Gutrot.9437


Seems that when the description says “No more holy trinity”, people immediately assume they can play whatever build they want.
But instead of having to build tank/healer/dps/support, everyone has to build support and utilize each others AOE :s to create combos.
So, removing holy trinity hasn’t brought more freedom, only different requirements.

I think far better option would be to allow tank/healer builds to people who want to spec as healer or tank (me). This would still allow those that enjoy voice comm guild runs with 5 support chars spam combos and play their style.
Adding holy trinity would permit pug :s play through the dungeons as well (more reliably).