Showing Posts For Gutted.2196:
I’ve been thinking about giving my much neglected Thief a whirl in PvE. I’ve got the build and I’ve got the gear, but as it has been so long I would like to watch some videos showing how it is done.
Anyone have some thief dungeon run guides/play?
I leveled my 8th character and final character under the NPE and I’m fairly neutral. I did stop the PS after recapturing claw Island.
As a veteran player unlocking game/class features wasn’t particularly fun but it was over quickly. And as an Ele I probably unlocked all my weapon skills faster than I would have under the old skill unlocks. I can see it being a slightly gentler curve for MMO newbs so I think that is a good thing (although it could be done better with actual tutorials).
All the extra rewards while leveling and doing story content were great. I got skins and I got useful gear which made getting a level more exciting. Fantastic stuff.
Being able to do story in clusters rather than having them individually spread across levels worked better for me. Comes down to preferences though.
While not technically NPE Trait unlocking bought back that old GW1 elite skill hunting gameplay which I enjoy and for non-Gm traits it wasn’t hard to bypass that gameplay if I didn’t feel like it. However by 80 I hadn’t unlocked as many traits as I would have liked. It could be improved by making more traits tied to less time intensive game play (killing a specific elite, or completing a specific heart rather than completing a zone). Making traits account unlocks could also improve things and make that time investment worth while.
For me
1: Accessibility: I have played since launch and the only content I don’t engage in regularly is the content that takes a long time to complete. Part of this is the challenge of balancing life’s many commitments but the other part of it is that for me any content becomes stressful or boring content if I am forced to engage with it for too long in a single sitting. I have done the long, grinding instanced PvE raids in other games and I have no real interest interest is going back to that.
So for that reason I would like to see challenging content be kept short and sweet. Rather than a huge sprawling dungeon experience I would like to take on single bosses that can be defeated in 20-40 minutes with little to no trash (or alternatively WvW style Towers and Keeps that need to be breached and captured). That way taking a stab at it and failing isn’t a waste of a whole days play time and taking multiple stabs at it doesn’t cause guild drama.
Also in the interest of keeping things accessible I would like to see the content scale. Starting at a relatively low player count (5-10) and going up to a medium player count (25 players). I have no issue with it going higher but I realize scaling becomes tricky with huge ranges.
Alternatively increase gold rewards for tackling the content with less players (10 players might be optimal but if you do it with 5 it takes longer but you get double the gold.
2: Dynamic Combat: I love GW2s combat system but feel in most PvE content it gets “broken” by overwhelming DPS. I would like to see raid combat encourage situational awareness and reactive play rather than play by numbers (not to mention spending more time explaining fights than executing them). I know this isn’t what most people think of when they think of raids but I honestly feel this game’s combat shines when you have to engage with the core mechanics.
I want to be forced to switch between melee and ranged combat, I want to be forced to interrupt heals, I want to be forced to move and I want conditions to be more relevant (poison becomes a lot more desirable if mobs can heal, bleeds more useful if the party can’t stack and nuke).
ArenaNet have already proven they can make some fun and interesting boss mechanics in things like bounties (they are great when you can’t overwhelm them with sheer numbers), dungeons, frac and world events. More heals, more cleaves, more chain lightning and more AoEs can help curb the stack and burn strategies.
Hell bringing in some siege from WvW would be pretty cool while we are at it.
3: Rewards: Rewards should be consistent as opposed to random. Gold and tokens rather than super rare ranged drops. Rewarding partial success ala Teq is also nice.
I love dress up. Use it to motivate me. Give me skins, minis and the like I can steadily work towards. Put an Abaddon mask in the game (that looks good on Charr) and I will murder all the dragons!
PS: on a slightly different note, this game needs a mini skelk/graveling.
(edited by Gutted.2196)
I really want more difficult dungeons and content BUT I also want it be completed in a short amount of time. I love the technical fights of the Aetherblade dungeon path but I don’t go near the dungeon because it takes to kitten long.
In my ideal world all new GW2 dungeons would be designed like fractals. 10-20 minute with a few events/bosses each.
What about heal shouts? No good?
Would like to take a break from my current build and would like to try Sword/Sword.
I really like the new path. Other than a few bugs, my only real complaint is the length. I think a good dungeon (especially a challenging one) is about 20-40mins.
I would love to see the shield added to our arsenal. Give us a block and something weird and wacky.
At the moment I would like to see less GS in the game.
My alt guardian is fast approaching 80 and I have been looking at various builds and advice. However alot of the discussion is for the high end and I have no intention of becoming that good at my guard (it is an alt). So looking for guard builds and gear setups that are fun and allow a bit of leniency in either dungeons or WvW. Anyone have some suggestions?
If it helps I am an average/above average player and run mostly with mixed groups of guildies/pugs (guildies range a bit in ability as well). FotM 26 is just hard enough to be interesting without being stressful.
Thanks guys that is helpful. I’ve hit 80 and started gearing up with soem balanced stats. One thing I’m curious about can healing power be used to buff the water field up to a point where it is significant for other players?
My Ranger is quickly approaching level 80 and I’ve begun looking at PvE Dungeon builds but having trouble finding one that takes my fancy.
As this will be my fourth level 80, what I’m after for my ranger is a Ranger build that brings something to the party other than pure DPS and preferably a build that makes use of the pet (being the unique class mechanic and all). So does anyone have a build/s that make people grateful they have you (and your pet) on their team for reasons other than big numbers?