(edited by Gwydeon.3580)
Showing Posts For Gwydeon.3580:
Removing the movement from our dodge command is upsetting.
Using a double tap to act as a spell modifier, and not move is disorienting. Use F5
I do not find anyone else who thinks the ‘mirrors’ that appear are worth the time it takes to move to them. Please rip out this mechanic an put the power directly into our failing damage per second.
The ability to re-direct Phantasms should be a core mechanic, not the ability of a single weapon.
The Raptor felt great to ride.
I don’t like much of the new gear.
False Oasis is too Weak.
(edited by Gwydeon.3580)
Is this thread mature enough yet that we can compare the fact that leather classes can out damage us by twice our DPS by simply spamming a single button?
I feel like False Oasis is trash compared to Ether Feast. I wish some one would show me how it has merit.
Jaunt’s distance is the same as a dodge roll. Please put dodge back where it was.
Also Axes… The next most blatant weapon after a club. I know you wanted to give everyone another weapon, I just think this wasn’t the best option. But we would have complained about anything I’m sure. We already have sword/staff/shield… But Mirror shields could have been a thing!
Riddle of Sand – Your next ambush attack will apply confusion. They do that already.
(edited by Gwydeon.3580)
Redirecting our phantasms needs to be an ACTUAL THING not an Axe skill. ArenaNet Please. Like if its that bad then instead of my below complaint regarding the dodge, make this our F5. None of us will complain (mostly none, whatever)!
The dodge-to-cast-special thing is… an interesting idea, but it hurts our mobility if we are using our mobility to do damage. Please give us back our dodge roll, and put this flip on the special action key, like the Chronomancer’s default F5.
Particles: I see that they want to be more sand/smoke like, but I think they lack the expressiveness of the rest of our particles. The feel muted and wispy, they lack the bite from the other Mesmer actions.
I feel like we are blinking all over the place, but what are we actually accomplishing other than spreading low levels of dots around? I tried out Deadeye, they can do 13k in a single button press to the same target golem.
(edited by Gwydeon.3580)
Funny. I actually came here to complain that all 3 GM traits in Illusion (a largely condition trait line) are going to be useless for Mirages (a condition spec).
MS is scepter-only, MoF doesn’t really add anything to shatter that condi specs want, and the new phantasmal force trait only boosts direct damage of phantasms rather than the conditions granted by torch/pistol phantasms (and, honestly, is pretty bad even for power specs outside of raids). If you use any scepter build I have no idea why you’d care.
With ineptitude moved/nerfed, it would be nice to see MS get the same treatment as a few other traits and grant, say, half its current attack speed boost regardless of weapon equipped.
Do you hold pvp/wvw up against this raiding? The three phantoms up with wand/pistol or GS is pretty good sustained DPS to my experience. Its not raid level maxed out damage but from what I hear we’re just buff-bots. If we’re talking PVE, I’m petty sure most 80+masteries can complete any non-raid content naked.
I try to make the most of my phantoms and like wand/pistol for general usage. I am just disheartened that this new buff isn’t for my use unless I switch over to GS or sword.
(edited by Gwydeon.3580)
I hate having to choose between Phantasmal Force and Malicious Sorcery. Please move something so we can have both!
~Wand users
^ takes me to the login page.
Starting to guess it’s a browser issue.
I click support.
It says “login”.
I do.
I end up on my account page.
I click support.
It says “login”.
Love this glider, absolutely won’t buy in a package with the backpack skin if I can’t dye the backpack to match.