Showing Posts For HAZELWOOD.8540:
Hi. I just noticed this sticky. I started a thread about texture corruption a couple weeks ago. Others have exact same issue.
Please see: Stonemist glitched after LA Destroyed
Several screenshots are posted in that thread.
I see others besides myself have posted without reading any existing threads.
Exact same issue.
Please see: new stonemist? gpu glitch
Please see: WvW graphical glitch
Have fun.
(edited by HAZELWOOD.8540)
1 more cuz u guys love screenies.
also… nowhere else. just the areas described above.
Have fun.
…and upstairs is the same. not the outside rim of sm, just inner castle in/out.
Have fun.
Stonemist still glitched. EB spawn still glitched (new ss attached).
I may grab one of inside Stonemist and post it later. It’s as bad as outside Stonemist.
Pretty hooptie. cmon.
Have fun.
Game client auto-updated again today. (hoping it was fixed)… I went straight to check SM.
Same issue. (bump)
Have fun.
I checked my end first.
re-log=same as screenshot
toggle in-game video settings=same as screenshot
change resolution=same as screenshot
reboot/reload drivers=same as screenshot
cold start computer=same as screenshot
also… when I pointed the Stonemist texture problem out to another player he showed me the same thing in spawn. same locations of texture flaws as well.
Other players see the same bright box texture glitches in the same locations as I do. This was confirmed by standing on the brightest floor ‘square glitch-textures’ inside the lord’s room of Stonemist and also at “first spawn” [Valley Waypoint] in Eternal Battlegrounds Borderland near repairs.
From USA and Brazil clients, same EXACT issue.
Side note: the inventory GUI re-size glitch is actually very annoying. I see it’s confirmed in another thread. I figured I wouldn’t be the only one.
I played on the same day prior to the “Lion’s Arch Destroyed” update. No problems whatsoever. After the update… immediately the above two issues and they do not go away after re-log//toggle settings/restart/reboot/cold boot.
So far that’s what I’ve noticed. I read the other bugs listed here and will be looking out for them.
Have fun.
(ADDED: This is on Jade Quarry server)
(edited by HAZELWOOD.8540)