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NPCs in AC still getting bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hachimaro.6234


Since my guild folded, I’ve rarely had the opportunity to do dungeons in full premade parties, and pugs love to fail stuff like the last skip on p2. Maybe it has something to do with it, never seen Detha bug after doing the skip properly. Still, having to be careful not to accidentally bug the NPC really tells a lot about the current quality of instances in this game…

And yeah, Tzark seems to have a fetish for that pillar.

NPCs in AC still getting bugged?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hachimaro.6234


I was wondering, why buggy NPCs in AC (Detha and Tzark) are still being ignored by Anet? I’m doing this dungeon on a daily basis and every other day at least one path has to be redone because an NPC is bugged. One would think after over two years this problem might get some attention, but apparently this isn’t true. Please keep in mind AC is often the first dungeon people enter and it can be really discouraging if it bugs.

Why hate the zerkers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hachimaro.6234


My guild is actively recruiting people who are inexperienced in the game but are willing to learn. Unfortunately, many guilds are either extremely elitist, or have no idea how much they really suck. My first big guild was claiming to be the best Polish guild on the server. They tried to teach me Arah p3 – it took almost 2 hours and 9 wipes on Lupicus; the entire party (except me) was wearing full soldier gear with Dolly runes, while not wasting times for those silly reflects. On the other hand, they were using full zerker in WvW. I’m sooo glad they kicked me after a month :P

Why hate the zerkers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hachimaro.6234


According to my observations, your tankiness and the quality of your defensive support pretty much depend only on your skills and traits, not the stats of your gear. Mobs do a lot of damage and more often than not you cannot tank them nor outheal them (especially since healing power scales so badly); you can evade/block their damage or kill them before they kill you though. Zerker excels in both, which makes it strictly the best option for doing dungeons efficiently (= fast).

I don’t think the fact that I prefer full zerker parties makes me a bad player or a bad person. I enjoy playing with people with similar mindset and knowledge of the game. I don’t mind helping beginners from time to time, but I don’t want to spend my entire time in the game doing that. Oh, and the reason I kick people from dungeons is usually their lack of support (e.g. a guardian not using consecrations or a mesmer with no feedback), not the lack of DPS .

(edited by Hachimaro.6234)