Showing Posts For Haldir Quindiniar.1083:

Far Shiverpeaks vs. Gandara vs. Fort Ranik

in WvW

Posted by: Haldir Quindiniar.1083

Haldir Quindiniar.1083

Gandara and Fort Ranik should know that from Far Shiverpeaks, at least every time I’ve been leading any groups the target have been the ones with the most points. Either currently potential or overall.

Gandara have been really good at holding down the fort in their borderlands. And we were a bit disappointed last night when you went to take our entire map as well, if you hadn’t we would have stayed in this tier. (I do understand it however, we would have done the same)

FS was 1.2 in rating points from staying in t5. And did now drop to t6.

I wish you all a great new matchup, and try to remember; Discuss the current matchup not the guys you fight the week before. I got a bit dismayed by all the Jade Sea posts in this thread.

I would have preferred fighting you again as well. But it was a difficult situation. We were very close to going a tier up ourselves, we are just 1000 rating short of FR while you are the same rating short of staying in T5. We gave it a shot and came a bit short in the end. To bad but I feel it was something we had to try

Gandara Commander
Guild Leader of Semper Dius [Dius]

12/7 Abbadons Mouth / Augury Rock / Gandara

in WvW

Posted by: Haldir Quindiniar.1083

Haldir Quindiniar.1083

Don’t worry, it will be pretty much the same for Gandara. We don’t really have a night squad either, just a couple of people. Only last week was different because we really wanted to beat FR and thus people dedicated themselves to playing all nighters knowing that we can’t do it every week.

Good luck and hopefully we’ll see some nice battles.

Gandara Commander
Guild Leader of Semper Dius [Dius]

Far Shiverpeaks vs. Gandara vs. Fort Ranik

in WvW

Posted by: Haldir Quindiniar.1083

Haldir Quindiniar.1083

Thanks to everyone for the awesome week. It was very intense with many people dedicated to trying to beat Fort Ranik for the first time. Special thanks to all the players that stayed up way to long to form some sort of night squad and to my own Guild [Dius] for making an extra effort.
I really enjoyed co-ordinating with mostly SN and some CoEx on the night from Thursday to Friday.

Well played Gandara, we can be proud of what we accomplished this week.

Not forgetting our opponents of course, we had some really fun battles and long lasting sieges with FR and FS.

Good luck to all servers in the next mach up!

Gandara Commander
Guild Leader of Semper Dius [Dius]

(edited by Haldir Quindiniar.1083)

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: Haldir Quindiniar.1083

Haldir Quindiniar.1083

So 300 hours of GW2 down the drain. Bye bye automatism of using your skills.

I can’t even test if the changes really affect me (I think they won’t that much) because I’m constantly pressing the wrong button. I’m really not interested in memorizing everything again, and getting an automatism again will be even harder.

There really is no point in having skills ordered by cooldown. It’s only good for people that want to brainlessly hit 1-5 on recharge. They should just make it customizable, this system is so pointless.

Luckily there are other games to play and this one has no monthly fee…

Gandara Commander
Guild Leader of Semper Dius [Dius]

Taxes and Tithes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Haldir Quindiniar.1083

Haldir Quindiniar.1083

Why are you people in a Guild if you don’t trust your Guild leader anyway?

Gandara Commander
Guild Leader of Semper Dius [Dius]

Taxes and Tithes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Haldir Quindiniar.1083

Haldir Quindiniar.1083

I honestly don’t see why you would complain about a feature you don’t have to use. If you don’t want it for your Guild you can simply set it to 0%.

A trebuchet blueprint costs 24 silver.
Say that you earn 50 silver each day. If your Guild went into WvWvW and you decide to use your trebuchet that would be half your daily income gone.

Now if the tax is set to 2% you would give 1 silver each day to the Guild bank. If your Guild has 24 members going into WvWvW they all lost 1 silver for the trebuchet instead of one guy losing 24 silver instantly.

So for this reason I would like a tax system as well.

Gandara Commander
Guild Leader of Semper Dius [Dius]