While I don’t agree with everything Korval mentioned I don’t think the fights before Liadri need to be nerfed, I managed to get to Liadri even though I’m colorblind. The Deadeye fight was intense because I had to have people yelling directions in Ventrilo about where to dodge or run around mines (thank God I only spent 4 tickets on that, it was a headache!). I spent at most 4 tickets on any fight getting to Liadri (curse you Strugar for throwing meat directly below Chomper!!). It was a nice challenge slightly changing a build or tweaking something here and there after listening to advice of those who finished the fights.
Liadri though is at best impossible (or exceptionally difficult depending on how colorblind you are) for those that are colorblind. I know I can look up at the black stuff on the ceiling to see where some of that AoE will fall, but honestly the camera sucks so bad in there… The less I have to move my camera in there the better. If they’d fix making the circles possible to see maybe I could do the fight.
How hard is it for ANet to design something that’s not anti-colorblind for a change? It’s frustrating how many red AoE circles I get hit in when they’re on nice green grass (yes, Kuraii… very frustrating, or in the first area of the Super Adventure Box)! Or the Rata Sum fractal with the bright yellow pads against the light blue sky (I have to constantly move camera around and put the yellow pad back against the brown background of the building and jump into what looks like midair to me to freaking move on). ANet please change the color of the AoE damage circles! Or allow us to change the color!! Or have some sort of a colorblind mode I don’t know.
Bottom line: I’m pretty sure they meant for the achievements to be difficult and that’s perfectly fine I welcome it. I just want them to make the arena you fight in more colorblind friendly so that those of us that are colorblind can do it as easily as those with normal vision.