Showing Posts For Hamsta.5719:

Forts fall too fast; Lords are worthless

in WvW

Posted by: Hamsta.5719


and when the nightcappers go to sleep the other servers get stuff back. as long everybody has the same time zone its not that of a problem. but dont get me started of thosekittencanadians running around with playercap at 5am…..
WvW comes close to the kittens that happend in WAR. Keeptraiding all the time. There is nothing like “YEAH! Finally we got a new keep!”, its more like yey karma and cash. lets head on to the next and hope that the others cap the keep so we can retake it for more karma and cash so we can get more exotic gear for twinks we dont play on wvw maps we cant join because of queues…

Analysis of GW2 WvW compared to DAoC RvR. [Long]

in WvW

Posted by: Hamsta.5719


100% agree with OP but rewardless

in WvW

Posted by: Hamsta.5719


It is funny how everybody talks about gear progression….
I remember a time when i got lvl 50 in daoc. i talked to a few crafters and for a small amount of money they forged my spellcrafted armor. it was well designed and didnt made an extrem amount of effort as long i dont want some completly rare items in it.
at the end most people had exact the same gear. there was no real difference.
but what kept us playing? it were the ranks. hunting for higher realmranks. gaining realm points for kills. there was just no limit and it made tons of fun gaining them and progressing “the character”. every realmrank my char got stronger and stronger and i had lots of new abilities to unlock or improve.
gw2 just lacks this characterprogression. its just going for lvl 80, gear is no problem and then? running around in circles in wvw with 100 other people, doing keeps and camps for karma and gold and exp nobody really needs anymore.
its like paying to go into a movie you already watched 10 times. its not that enjoyable like the first time

Forts fall too fast; Lords are worthless

in WvW

Posted by: Hamsta.5719


In daoc there also was something like nightcapping when some groups wanted to go for the relic. but even with only a few defenders it took up to 1 hour for a keep. good defended keeps were even harder to caputre. there is no epicness and no fun to know that we will lose everything we worked for the whole evening in 30min after we go offline. and at this point i dont even talk about the size of the maps and the playernumbers on it…..

Forts fall too fast; Lords are worthless

in WvW

Posted by: Hamsta.5719


I absolutly agree with the OP.
It is much too easy to get inside a keep. Guards are to few and to weak. When i remember a lvl 10 keep in DAoC…. or just a lvl 10 tower. Relicguards were 2hitting mages and so on. Also Siegeweapons are really too cheap. A ram should cost at least 200 supply or 100 supply, something in that range. trebs should cost 1k supply. at the moment its just terrible. i play on a german server against an european and a french (with all the canadians) server. all we can do is hide in a keep until 100 people are rolling onto us with 6 trebs destroying a wall in notime. and while we sleep they cap all our fortified keeps because it really takes only 3min.
also there is way too much groundtarget aoe. its just aoe vs. aoe. no skill involved at all.