Showing Posts For Hanarui.4759:

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hanarui.4759


Sounds sick.
I’ll try to follow these rules, fighting vs GD, coz i respect them. Never saw you without tag, that shows only your weakness. But rules.. it’s for Big boys

WvW has nothing to do with fair play. It is bound up with hatred, jealousy, boastfulness, disregard of all rules and sadistic pleasure in witnessing violence. In other words, it is war minus the shooting. Imaginary rules are for scrubs.

Also, I think everyone should read this:

Our only weakness is that we seriously try to play “honorable” sometimes. In my opinion we shouldn’t. We should play like we want to play.

GvG basically nonexistent and it’s an apologetical topic for people whose server sucks.


(edited by Hanarui.4759)

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hanarui.4759


So much GD kitten here. Why shouldn’t people run with pugs or blob? Because GD says so?

This is a 24/7 open world PvP where people should run what they think works better. All those honorable stuff don’t worth anything. If you run with small number – that’s your problem, you don’t cap at night/morning – that’s your problem, you don’t build arrow carts – that’s your problem, you never run with a tag – that’s your problem, if you get bombed in a second – that’s your problem too.

And last: You made some strange rules for yourself – don’t be surprised that other people won’t follow them.