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Statistics of the new ranking system

in WvW

Posted by: Handin.4032


Summary of below: The new system COULD work, if they tweaked their parameters just right. The current values would cause far too much spread. The attached picture shows simulation results of 5 million match ups and the spread in the individual matches.

So, after seeing the new ranking system, I decided to see how it would actually affect thing. They only gave one example, which for a system being based on a randobasm number doesn’t inform anyone of anything. So, then I wondered, “well, what COULD it be?” As a theorist, I just had to delve into the statistics of this new method. For those who haven’t seen the new system, here is the math. First, you have a given calculated base ranking (what you have now), and base deviation. Then you set two parameters, (well, really three!): the base deviation, and the deviation variation. The match ratings are then:

Match rating = Base Rating + Rand(-a, a) x (Base deviation + deviation variation x base deviation)

As seen then, the two parameters they define will have an effect on the “spread” of the new match ups. In this case, I call the spread to be the difference between the max ranked server in the match up and the lowest ranked. Right now, this can only be 2. The two parameters, if larger, will make there be more spread, and less spread for smaller values.

However, the big issue I have had with this new system is that pesky random number there. Even shown in their own example, if a high tier server gets a fairly negative number, and a low tier server gets a fairly positive number, then they can face each other. People complained about stagnant servers, but is a better solution to have possible match ups where they are outnumbered 24/7, on all maps?

So, the question was to ask: How often would a match up include two servers that are very far apart in the current ratings? I wrote up a quite simulation program to simulate a very large number of match ups. It then looked through each match up at the different matches and determined what the ranking spread was. The results for these are attached in the pictures. As seen, if the random number is between -1 and 1, there is a large change for decently large spread in the match rankings. It is almost equally likely to get a spread of 2 to 5, with a still fairly finite probability of getting a spread of 8! Thats right, 8! So a rank 1 server, could actually face a rank 9 server! YIKES!

I then let the range of the random number change, in particular I picked between -0.5 and 0.5, and -0.25 and 0.25. As seen, the first choice gives a decent spread, with the most likely case being a spread of only 2. That means that, on average, the match ups will be much like the ones we have. However, there is still about a 50% chance that you face a new opponent. This I think is a better system. Where you face servers which are very similar to you for a good amount of the time, while every once in a while you face a new server, that is still somewhat close to you in population. So, you might have the same server 2 or 3 times, sure..but then you get a break for a week. The last choice of random numbers is another choice, it is just a rarer chance (~30%) that you’d face a server from a different tier.

There is another method that is a variation, which uses the exact same parameters they listed. This I am calling the “mean method”. Here, the final match rating is calculated using the random number a small amount of times, then the final is the mean of those. This method is shown in the attached graphs as well. It appears, by eye, to be good system as well.

Overall, I think with their current parameters, the system is much too random. There will be too many occurrences of servers being outmatched, not because of a lack of skill, but because of a lack of people. Frankly, RNG should never be a big part of the decision for a week long match up. Getting dominated purely because of a population difference, because your server got an unlucky draw, is the antithesis of a fair system. It would lead to high population servers getting bored, and low population servers just losing more people. So, there are two ways to fix the problem:
1) Change the range for the random number. Make it small enough that you don’t have totally random matches leading to server matches with massive population differences, but large enough that the play isn’t stagnant. I would recommend a value around 0.5.such a change would be incredibly simple to do, but I think it would have a massive positive impact, as seen in the graph.
2) Implement the mean method that I described. This would allow you to not change any parameters, but allow there to be less spread.

Please, comment and discuss! Let me know if anything needs to be cleared up, etc! I hope it helps, since a lot of quaggans died spinning the wheels of my computer doing the simulations (Joking, of course. Quaggans would never do exercise.)


TC Golden Dolyak – [DOLY]
Mesmer – FURY
Rank 55 – Bunker Engi, Top 300

(edited by Handin.4032)