Showing Posts For HarbingerOfDawn.2653:

[giveaway] Guild Wars 2 Items and more!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HarbingerOfDawn.2653


Madarchy is bringing back another weekly giveaway this Friday, January 11, 2013!
To be eligible all you need to do is follow Madarchy’s stream on Twitch and be present on stream during the giveaway! Hope to see you all out there! Get In The War!

What: Giveaway
When: Friday, January 11, 2013 at 5:00 PM PST Time
Whats Being Given: Guild Wars 2 rare items and gold

To see other giveaway items head to our guild site!

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The Benches..Any Other Cool Small Fun Things?

in Suggestions

Posted by: HarbingerOfDawn.2653


I cracked the idea the other day in my head that it would be kinda cool if in LA and around tyria you could walk up to benches and hit F and sit down on one… maybe kinda small and cheesy, but it would be cool to walk into Lions Arch by the mystic forge and walk up to a bench and pop a squat while you spam chat with LFG.. haha..

Also would be very interesting if all around tyria there were dolyaks with carts on the back that galloped on set paths and on those paths there were little “dolyak bus stops” where the dolyak would stop for 15 sec and then continue one. its faster than walking, but costs less then WP’ing. maybe you could fit 10 players in a wagon or so, and maybe even occasionally there could be an event where the dolyak bus gets assulted or something. would be fun.

By anyways, can you guys think of any other cool little additions Anet could throw in?

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madarchy in-game giveaway, free stuff? where?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HarbingerOfDawn.2653


Hey Everybody,
I will be doing a free giveaway today January 4th, at 5:00 PM PST time! I will be giving away lot of different in game items such as Christmas skins, tonics, rare items, minis, presents, bags and more! To participate in the giveaway, you will need to do 2 things:
1. Be present on the stream:
2. Follow the stream.
Hope to see you all out tonight, thanks, and Happy New Year!

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Free Giveaway - In Game Items and More!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HarbingerOfDawn.2653


Hey Everybody,
First of all, I want to wish you all merry Christmas, I hope it was a good one.
My guild, [HG] Hand Of The Gods, will be doing a free giveaway today December 28th, at 5:00 PM PST time! WE will be giving away lot of different in game items such as Christmas skins, tonics, rare items, minis, and more! Along with that, we will be giving away 3 full new indie game licenses! To participate in the giveaway, you will need to do 2 things:
1. Be present on the stream:
2. Follow the stream.
Hop to see you all out tonight, thanks, and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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24 Hour Free Transfers Still Too Short

in WvW

Posted by: HarbingerOfDawn.2653


I think that the quarantine idea is brilliant. I have heard that eventually it will cost 20$ to switch servers? Honestly, i think thats a good idea from arena net. People should find a server and stick with it and become a contributing and helpful member of your server. Its like buying a house. You dont swap houses daily, you buy your house and stay put and become a member of that community because it is your home, just like servers. I found one of the bloody little spies myself… littlebuggers..

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Wish We Had....

in WvW

Posted by: HarbingerOfDawn.2653


Stumbled across this blog post just know and i have to say, it would be incredibly nice if WvW had a feature like this… Being able to see exactly whose on and where they are on the map in a simple list would make things easier sometimes…
Blog Post Here

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Masterwork Guild Wars 2 Guide, Stumble upon

in Community Creations

Posted by: HarbingerOfDawn.2653


Hey guys, i stumbled upon this site the other day, interesting, is it not? The video is kinda goofy, set looks cool though.

Guild Wars 2 Power!

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Press Release: Emerge Gaming to Enter Virtual Scene, What are They All About?

in Community Creations

Posted by: HarbingerOfDawn.2653


September 26, 2012
Emerge Gaming Arrives Into the Video Game Scene. Bringing You a Place You Can Vote, Compete, Submit and View Gaming Screenshots

Welcome to Emerge Gaming. Have you ever been deeply immersed into a moment in video game history where what you are laying your eyes upon, you feel, should be captured and shared to the world? So gamers everywhere can see the action, feel the triumph, and get a taste of victory? Or perhaps you have come across one of the most hilarious Easter eggs any game has to offer and you need a snap shot of that brilliant sight. Emerge is what you do with your screenshots. It’s how you present them and get them seen. You Vote, Compete, Submit and View.

Voting on Emerge is there to promote your screenshot and voice your opinion on a selection of snap shots. Using a variety of different polls, anyone is able to freely and without a care cast their ballot on which screenshot is up to their par. On Emerge, you can also vote on competition shots. Anyone can submit their screenshot to the competition. Once in, it is put among other competitors where the community can then vote on which shot will be the winner.

Competing on Emerge is a wonderful tool and, if you’re good with shots, can get you some prizes. Enter into a competition and have your epic screen be thrown into the fighting ring to duke it out with other shots. Users can vote on which screenshot is their personal favorite; along with competing for the win, the Emerge team will analyze each screenshot with care and have a large influence on who comes out on top.

You want your shot seen! So submit it. Submitting is easy; there are two different ways you can get your pic on-site. On the front page, you provide a few key bits of information and bing! You’re done! Also, if you’re interested in submitting two or more pictures, we have a page dedicated to allowing you full access to multiple uploads at once!

Viewing is gold. Emerge has its own cache of gaming screenshots, which is where your screen will go once you submit it. Clicking through an amazing store house filled with legendary gaming snap shots has never been so easy. Whether you’re on a mobile device, or on your home computer, viewing is fast, clean and rewarding.

Emerge is here to provide gamers with their opportunity; its here to give gamers a chance to have their shots seen. They say a picture is worth a thousand words… is yours? For loads of more information and to get in on everything above, head over to

-Christian Ashliman, CEO Emerge Gaming

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Prizes For Winners! Screenshot Competition Coming Up!

in Community Creations

Posted by: HarbingerOfDawn.2653


Hey guys, hows it going? Ok, so will be hosting a Screenshot competition where you can enter in YOUR own epic/legendary/funny screenshot, where it will be voted on, and then winners will be decided! There WILL be prizes! Check out Emerge Gaming for loads of more information! And its all 100% free of entry!

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Do You have any?

in Community Creations

Posted by: HarbingerOfDawn.2653


Hey guys, check out and submit your screenshots and such. There will soon be a competition for best screenshot with prizes! Keep up to date.


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Add Ons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HarbingerOfDawn.2653


I dont know damage meter and such, but I am hoping in the future anet releases some sort of dlc of some kind, that would be wonderful, kind of like Mists of Pandaria for WoW, along those lines of releasing a large dlc for the game

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in Thief

Posted by: HarbingerOfDawn.2653


Great tips guys, for real, these have come in handy countless times, keep it up

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in Thief

Posted by: HarbingerOfDawn.2653


Starting up a thief a bit ago and am curious how you pros out there rock them. Lets get some great tips and what not, so far i have enjoyed thief the most. I feel like I am almost flying around over the battlefield when i’m a thief due to the quickness and weapon skills you can use. Its boss. Also, i love the idea of initiative. brilliant i say!

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Looking for input, warr/ele/ranger upper levels.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HarbingerOfDawn.2653


From my experience, which sounds like its not more than yours to be honest, I have had a warrior and a ranger. Really it all just depends on what your preferred playing style is and what utilities etc etc you enjoy using/most helpful to you. I, personally, like playing as the ranger over the warrior because of the versatility, (not that the warrior isn’t versatile) all three of those professions have their own plus’s and minus’s and you just have to decide for yourself which ones out weigh the other professions for you. Thats the best i got for ya.

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Guild Wars 2 Screenshots

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HarbingerOfDawn.2653


Hey guys, one thing I love doing in guild wars is snapping shots of epic castle raids, huge WvW battles, or even the vista moments. I just wanted to share with you all real quick an awesome way to share those pictures with everyone! Head over to and you;ll be able to submit all of your awesome Guild Wars 2 screenshots. tell me what ya think.


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