Showing Posts For Harmonier.9082:
Can confirm what Kai said above, people who didnt buy Harpy Feathers a while ago cant finish Nevermore, cuz the event is bugged and as a result you cant buy Harpy Feathers. Seriously, you know this event has been bugged for more than 2 (!!!!) years. Search forum for proof. They semi-fixed it some time ago, but the problem is still there now.
So on my main character i went to Lion’s Arch but got stuck on its loading screen for a few hours now. Game didn’t crash techically, the loading circle is moving. I tried to go to LA on other characters from other locations – same issue occurs. Other locations and cities seem to work properly, teleporting in and out, except for when i try to go to LA, then they get stuck as well. Anybody else experiencing same problem?
Obviously i tried relogging, restarting pc just in case. On character select screen it is displayed that my stuck hero has 0% world completion, even though its 100%.
After the latest update Oct.1 (in my timezone) healing skills now proc the Centaur rune, however the mesmer’s MANTRA OF RECOVERY doesnt proc it after charging the mantra as it used to before the update.