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How much healing do Guardians do end-game...?

in Guardian

Posted by: Hartagon.3542


This I like.

How much healing do Guardians do end-game...?

in Guardian

Posted by: Hartagon.3542


I haven’t played this game since launch and recently started it up again… I am planning on playing a Guardian and have been looking through talents and the likes… I was just curious… How much healing do Guardians really do?

I have never had a character at 80, so I don’t know what the stats up there are like so can someone inform me how much passive and semi-active healing this build would do:

With this build, so far as I understand (remember, newb, no actual experience here), I would have:

-Symbols lasting 50% longer.
-So this would be up 75% of the time, last 6 seconds, 8 second cd.
“130 + (0.125 * Healing Power) per second” listed as the value of regeneration at 80 and I would guess faith would do 6 or 7 (don’t know exactly) pulses of regeneration with the talent.
-Also on top of this Writ of the Merciful would do 107 + (.075 * Healing Power) bonus healing.

-Virtue of Resolve is 25% stronger with Absolute Resolution.
“Health Restored = 4 + level + (0.06 * Healing Power) per second” listed in the wiki as the passive of this virtue.

-I also plan on having the Rune of the Dolyak 6 Set which is 30 health regen/sec on top of whatever I get from my skills.

So with that in mind, how does Healing Power factor into all of this and how much does a strong 80 with above average gear have (or is able to get)…? Am I looking at passive healing in the hundreds or passive healing of only 100? Is my Symbol of Faith going to be erect or is it going to be limp?

Also what kinds of armor are available at 80 in terms of stat variety? I am looking for a solid mix of vitality, toughness, healing power…

Thanks for the help

(edited by Hartagon.3542)

What is the most survivable profession?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hartagon.3542


The gear I was running was DPS gear… Prec,Power, etc… All oranges and the likes…

After dying a lot I tried tanky… I went with an axe and a shield and full toughness/vit, plus a toughness, vit build with talents… Still died extremely fast.

What is the most survivable profession?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hartagon.3542


I am trying to decide on what to play outside of Warrior…

I played a Warrior from launch for a few months and got to 80, but never really got into it or enjoyed it very much or even played much at end-game… I haven’t played since then and decided to give this game another go…

I don’t know almost anything about other professions though, both in terms of leveling and in terms of end-game/pvp…

I am looking for high survivability most of all… I understand the hole “only bads die” argument and the need to die as I have been chewed out by everyone I asked about this in the past… But I am just looking for an easier time surviving since on my Warrior a lot of the time I would die incredibly fast.

Thank you.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hartagon.3542


Way back in the day I made these tickets, problem never resolved.

Ticket #1: 120829-010211
- Told me to make a follow-up ticket titled “I deleted my DDE/CE in-game items” and reference my account in the body to get help which I did in the following ticket…

Ticket #2: 120907-001314
- Cookie cutter response that said my items would be restored when they came up with a solution (4 months ago). Still no items.

I would like my items please.

Restoring digital deluxe edition items?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hartagon.3542


So yeah… Release day came and went… Months ago…

I made the character that I thought I wanted, but changed my mind and deleted it (wanted the same name on my follow up character). Having never played the game before then I was completely new and un-attentive to everything on the HUD, including my mail, which I never checked.

So I deleted my character without having realized my ONE and ONLY set of deluxe edition items were sitting there.

Just after that I made two separate tickets asking for the items to be sent again (both of which gave me cookie cutter responses not answering my questions or telling me whether or not I ever could get my items again). So just curious… It has been over four months since then. Can I get my items now or ever for that matter? I would very much like them considering I paid a premium for this version of the game.


Suggestions for not dying in dungeons as melee?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hartagon.3542


Some possible suggestions:

(up to you if you want to explore them)

1- Raise your toughness stat.
2- Use more ranged weapons, and swap to melee when you see an opening.
3- Use dodge more.

Btw it is norn, not nord.

I do dodge, but a lot of the time that doesn’t even do anything… Kholer, for example… A few times I actually would see his animation and actually dodge to get out of it and he would yank me through my dodge… And a lot of the time anything we fight has ranged attacks so even when I survive the charge, hit them once or twice, and then run away with dodge, the second my roll ends I get hit with some ranged attack and die… Or have dots on me that continue to kill me…

And I am stacking as much toughness as I can… I have 20 points in the defense tree, as well as a few tanking type armor pieces with toughness+vitality… Every single utility spell I use is defense oriented, I don’t even use any offense ones as I can’t even use them since I am dead… Increased toughness, armor, defense banner, health regeneration, etc…

I am at a loss…

Suggestions for not dying in dungeons as melee?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hartagon.3542


I just can’t seem to get it down… I am currently level 58 warrior using primarily greatswords and despite constantly spending all my money and karma to get as many pieces of leveled yellow/green gear as I can, I still die almost instantly in any dungeon fight…

Especially in explorable mode… The beginning of each fight against a boss in there usually consist of me hitting the fifth greatsword ability which is a charge/attack… And before I am even on them I am either most of the way dead or already down…

Even trash pulls like groups of 3 ghosts and the likes… I charge, do one auto attack and then I am dead instantly.

Then another issue I run into on boss fights is that if I somehow miraculously survive more than the first few seconds, a lot of bosses do abilities that don’t make a noise which entirely depend on you looking at the boss to see it… Well it is kind of difficult to do this considering most boss fights in these places take place in some small room or corridor and my camera constantly gets stuck on things as I turn and the likes, not to mention that 9/10 times I am not even looking in the direction of the boss I am high tailing it out of there with dodge and my back to them.

The Champion Lieutenant Kholer in explorable Ascalonian Catacombs for example… We go in and try to kill the adds around him first (monk and mesmer) and while I am looking at them, trying to avoid EVERYTHING as almost everything any of the three of them do one shots me, he does an ability that has no sound and sometimes didn’t even make an animation when he was moving where he would pull me in and one shot me… Not to mention that on a lot of these fights the boss is just a normal sized humanoid… So when there are 2 full sized melee Charrs and a Nord standing on top of them, I can’t even see the boss and then all of the sudden I am dead. Even if I am the only melee I have trouble seeing the boss when I am on them as there are circles all over the floor from my allies, explosions all around me and on the boss, dozens of bright exuberant flashy animations everywhere I look, etc… And I just can’t even see the boss raise his sword over his head because at that moment he was engulfed in 5 different ability animation that completely covered him…

So please, can someone give me some helpful advice to get past these problems I have…?

Thank you.