Showing Posts For HelenaeSara.1562:

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HelenaeSara.1562


This is a real deal breaker for me.

I won’t spend another dime at the gem store.

Maybe that is the only way you will hear our voices.

Deliver what we paid for. Be Fair. Be upfront. Do what you promised.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HelenaeSara.1562


You produce new “buyable” content in auction house almost every week. Is it not profitable to meet your announced content of the new expansion?

What about the months people have been spending in the new world farming the mats, getting map completions and all of Mastery Points required to get a new legendary?

If this was a “real world” item and not a “virtual world” item, would you be able to tell your customer “sorry”, I can not deliver what you paid for in advance?

What is your opinion?

Thank you