The answer isn’t hard to work out
1) Decouple wvwvw from pve so during population checks only people in wvw are counted towards population cap on server transfers (not an issue for pve due to mega servers) remove gem costs from transfers for a 1 month period.
Example your an sea guild looking to move to t1 for wvw population checks shows JQ full during these hours discouraging sea moving to there while BG shows as nearly full TC medium/full etc. How ever during NA BG will show as full TC and JQ nearly full etc can’t be to hard to set the metrics up on this.
Doesn’t really work over the long term, meaning that this process would need to be repeated every x months.
2) Remove all wxp/karma rewards from keeps/towers/camps to stop people pvd dooring for karma/wxp. At same time buff wxp and add karma on players by a decent amount so its a similar speed of advancement through the levels, also add a 5-10 min timer on killing the same player to prevent abuse.
I can’t think of anything that would kill WvW faster than this suggestion. Essentially this would take WvW maps and turn them into GvG maps. That’s already a problem that’s causing problems with WvW. Instead ANet should look at creating GvG maps where this kind of system is in place so that GvGers can go there, get rewards appropriate to GvG maps, but don’t contribute anything to the WvW score (which a lot of GvG guilds don’t do anyway).
3) Now that players are fighting players to get wxp/karma introduce a system so it splits up wxp per player vs how many people hit them ie 1 on 1 full points, 1 vs 8 you get 1/8th of the points. This actively encourages more even or fair fights breaks up the maptag blobbing and means more roaming fights for everyone. Would also discourage full groups or above from ganking soloers due to the diminished rewards.
That’s not how blobs work. Blobs have a mob mentality, and tend to jump solo players or small groups because they can, not because of any reward from it. If you doubt me, watch what happens everytime a PUG blob runs over an enemy sentry point; at least half the blob ends up glueing itself to the sentry point despite the fact that the commander told them not to, yet the rewards for capturing a sentry point are so minimal as to be non-existant when you are high ranked WvW player.
4) Change the outnumbered buff to a 25% or 50% wxp buff under the same system as above to make it worthwhile…
A 25% or 50% increase of what would be 0 WXP under your system comes out to 0 WXP. The Outnumbered Buff mechanic is seriously out-of-date and broken. It needs to be remodelled from the bottom up. Probably the best change that could happen to it is that all downed players on the outnumbered server get auto-rezzed at their location on a global 30 second tick. That way large blobs would have to be efficient in capturing locations, not just large, because if they aren’t, all the defenders at their location are going to pop back up at either xx:00 or xx:30. If the defenders pop back up with some serious 10 second buffs, so much the better.
Funny all the systems you’ve just said won’t work worked just fine in one of the best mmos to have ever done wvw/rvr Dark age of Camelot.
Also are you seriously suggesting people won’t want to fight each other once you remove the main reason people take empty undefended keeps karma/wxp? It wouldn’t kill wvw it would promote it, it would however kill pvd which it seems you really want kept in the game for some strange reason.
(edited by Herbal.6291)