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Low FPS on decent machine

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hezkore.9568


I have a pretty decent machine but still only get about 40 FPS on the very lowest graphical settings.
On High (or just Auto-detect) I don’t even reach 20 FPS.

I’m on Windows 10
GPU is a R390
And CPU is an AMD FX 9370 / 4.4 GHz (8 cores)
And the game seems to be using the the 64bit client.

CPU temp is at 40 Celsius.
GPU temp is at 60 Celsius (This card is okay up to 80 Celsius)

I’ve tried clocking the GPU up and way down as I play, but no change in FPS.
So it all seems to be about the CPU.

Here’s a picture showing my FPS and other stuff.

The sad part is that I just bought HoT to my girlfriend and she’s got a much slower computer than me so her experience is even worse.

(edited by Hezkore.9568)

Dungeons & Casual Players

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hezkore.9568


Okay, since most people seem to say the same thing, which is “Your family sucks and needs serious training, read guides!”, I’m going to write one last response and then basically just tune out.

Some of you say that story mode will be too hard to finish for them because there’s a dungeon at the end (btw. thanks for spoiler!), but that’s perfectly fine… and here’s why:
They’re/We’re not here whining that dungeons sucks, we’re asking for a simple and nice way for NEW players to get into dungeons, and playing the ENTIRE game is a pretty kitten good way to be introduced to something, don’t you think?! >_>
I’m sure it’ll still be hard as hell playing that last dungeon, I’d expect it to be! but by then you would have had time to practice and get ready for something like that.
But as of right now, at level 30, you just get a random mail in your mailbox saying “Come play Ascalonian Catacombs!” and of course they’ll be interested and go try it out, only to get end game content showed down their throat!
Even though it clearly says “Level 30”.

I’m really sad that so many people are offended by my simple suggestion for Easy Mode, and only saying “Story Mode is Easy Mode!!!!1111”, what’s the harm with having more people enjoy dungeons, even if it’s on a easier difficulty?

And calling Casuals “bad players” is just rude, seriously, wtf?
If your mother or some completely new player started playing Guild Wars 2 an hour or two per day, I hope you’d support them by saying “Way to go!” instead of “YOU SUCK, YOU’LL NEVER GET TO DO DUNGEONS AND YOU’LL NEVER BEAT THE GAME!”.

Playing this game with all my casual friends is a real blast!
The rest of the content is fine, they’ve played PvP and done very well for themselves, played WvWvW and been in massive battles etc.
It’s just a real shame they won’t get to experience dungeons until they’re basically done with the game and are all level 80, when all that stuff matters less, as most of them just play for the story missions.

Now if you excuse me, I’m going to go play some Guild Wars 2 WITHOUT strategy guides and the wiki! omg can you imagine that?! LOLZ=?"!!

(edited by Hezkore.9568)

Dungeons & Casual Players

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hezkore.9568


Btw, the forum seem to work very odd today… I can’t even see any posts in this thread anymore. :|

Dungeons & Casual Players

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hezkore.9568


Haven’t played much PvP… because, well to be honest… there seems to be no reason to play it, no real rewards or anything

okay so because you dont get a cookie for playing pvp there absolutley no reason to play that and PvE dungeons are just not done becasue they are to hard for you but of course since you are in it for the cookies you want then to make it easy for you.

Why did you play games again you say ?

btw me and my gf pugged up with a pug made in the middle of the night in 5 minutes by means of asking and inviting in chat. None of us had been in that particular dungeon before ,granted it wasnt easy at anytime but we cleared it in about a hour nonetheless.

I wonder what you will do when you reach the end of your personal story , zaitan has your biggest cookie. Maybe they should take that cookie out of the game that way you can say like with PvP that you have no reason to play it because of no cookie, in the meantime you can pretend that there is no cookie.


Jeez, I thought the GW2 community were supposed to be “friendly”.

But sure, I’m sorry Smackjack.
I’m sorry for trying to enjoy this game with my beginner family and I’m sorry for not enjoying GW2’s PvP.
And I’m sorry for not being able to beat the dungeons (even though I clearly stated that I probably could do it, and that the issue were that my first time computer gaming friends had a very hard time doing the dungeons, not me… see the difference?)

I guess we should just give up and move to another game! \o/

Dungeons & Casual Players

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hezkore.9568


Mmkay, so you know what your doing. My advice now is you read up, summarise what to do and tell the others. Eg. Boss in AC does a AOE pull. Everyone just needs to press V when he looks like …(insert animation summary).

Mark the target that you want to focus down. (I think it’s SHIFT-T, default keybind? Could be CTRL.) This helps a lot in trash pulls.

You can Ctrl click the target, then everyone else press T to target it (Ctrl + T works too for current target)… But yeah, still the issue is that I’m pretty sure that the rest of the casual team will never beat this.
I’ll get through it, it’s just a shame that a lot of people won’t.

This thread was really mostly aimed at the developers, I want to know if they have any plans in the future for dungeons, possibly easy mode etc.

Here is your biggest grievenc esimplified.

Simply put, you are not level 30, even when you are.

The game ‘auto-levels’ you, and auto level’s your gear as well. If you don’t have top of the gear for your level bracket, your gear gets severely kittened, making you less than level 30 in effect. the only advantage you have over a real level 30 player is that you have more HPs and access to more skills/elite.

I am aware how auto-leveling in this game works teviko.6049, thank you.

Dungeons & Casual Players

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hezkore.9568


Mmkay, so you know what your doing. My advice now is you read up, summarise what to do and tell the others. Eg. Boss in AC does a AOE pull. Everyone just needs to press V when he looks like …(insert animation summary).

Mark the target that you want to focus down. (I think it’s SHIFT-T, default keybind? Could be CTRL.) This helps a lot in trash pulls.

You can Ctrl click the target, then everyone else press T to target it (Ctrl + T works too for current target)… But yeah, still the issue is that I’m pretty sure that the rest of the casual team will never beat this.
I’ll get through it, it’s just a shame that a lot of people won’t.

This thread was really mostly aimed at the developers, I want to know if they have any plans in the future for dungeons, possibly easy mode etc.

Dungeons & Casual Players

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hezkore.9568


Of course we’re not running into the mess of it all and opening every single coffin at the same time, jeez haha give me a break, I was playing MMORPGs before most people even had internet, I’ll do these dungeons with other players (my guild) later on, proper hardcore style.
The issue here is that casual/beginners are going to have a hard time doing these dungeons on their own, and I can now see this with my own eyes as I have a lot of friends and family that are casual players.
They’re not here to “read an AC story mode guide” or stand outside the dungeon shouting at others that they need help.
They’re here for fun, they play an hour per day, then they go do other stuff.
And when you get a mail saying “Come try this dungeon out” at certain levels, of course they’re going to be interested and head over there, only to get their snot beaten out of them, which I personally think is quite harsh (compared to the rest of the game).

(edited by Hezkore.9568)

Dungeons & Casual Players

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hezkore.9568


Reading the top post, I get the impression they’re going in as a duo. You really need a full 5-man group.

At this point in the game, most people have run it a few times, and can show you the ropes (and chains).

Even if not able to run with a veteran, the first time I ran it, none had done it before and there weren’t yet guides for it. So we took a long time, but it was fun, regardless.

We’re 5 people, none of them except me and another person have even played an MMORPG before.

Dungeons & Casual Players

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hezkore.9568


I wouldnt object to this… You could take out tokens even but atleast ease it up so people can learn the ropes. I would be a fool to say certain team comps etc arent better on certain maps, but every map is doable irrigardless…i’ve beaten many of em with bizzare teams like all theifs etc. The thing that makes most of them “hard” is the fact there isnt a defined role for each player like other games, instead many dungeons force cooperation differently “all click this at same time, take turns doing X thing, everyone dodge at the same time, focus fire X when it happens, Kill each monster at exact same time” that sorta thing.

Anyway, before i start ranting my point is ya i agree this would not hurt (tbh i thought story mode was supposed to be the EZ mode dungeons) I would be fine with an easy dungeon alternative that perhaps didnt offer the same rewards but atleast gave less organized players a dungeon experience and helpfully helps them learn and adjust so they can tackle the harder versions.

Yeah I’m sure we could do it with a bit of training.
But as of right now, getting killed by the first few enemies over and over again and again is neither fun or good pratice imo.

Dungeons & Casual Players

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hezkore.9568


I’m sure dungeons are a breeze with the “right” players.
It feels like it should be, and I’ve been through tougher games in the past hehe.
But I’m really only talking about casual players here, my girlfriend has never played a MMORPG before, nor has her mother (yes she plays with us :P).
They’re doing really really good in the rest of the game, they keep up with me and everyone else, but in dungeons… not so much, heh.

Dungeons & Casual Players

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hezkore.9568


When I heard that Guild Wars 2 was aiming to attract casual players as well as hardcore players, I thought “YES! Finally a game me and my girlfriend can play together!”

We play with our friends who are all casual players, which also enjoys the game.
We’re having fun in PvE, doing all the maps one by one and such.
Haven’t played much PvP… because, well to be honest… there seems to be no reason to play it, no real rewards or anything (like in GW1 hehe).
But enough of that, dungeons are the real issue here!

We’d love to play the dungeons, do the story mission and exploration, but we honestly get stomped to death after the 2-3 first enemies.
And we’re well above the level requirements, we get scaled down to 30 in Ascalonian Catacombs and yet we die instantly, over and over again, unable to progress.

And I was just wondering if there’s a reason why there’s no Easy mode for dungeons?
Should casual players really be excluded from dungeons because they don’t want to spend time on developing tactics and for not having the perfect team?

It seems very odd that the game in general is so easy and forgiving, then when you enter dungeons everything is flipped around.

I understand that hardcore players need content too, it can’t all be casual stuff!
That’s why I think Easy mode would be perfect, as the rest of the players can just do Normal (or Hard?) mode.

Anyways, great game!
We’re having loads of fun, just wish Dungeons would be playable for us!

(edited by Hezkore.9568)

EMail not found after buying game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hezkore.9568


Yes, we did create an account and now when we use the serial key again it says that it’s been used.

EMail not found after buying game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hezkore.9568


My friend bought Guild Wars 2 about 3-4 hours ago and is unable to login.
She’s getting error 3002, saying “The email cannot be found” even though we registered that email using our recently acquired Serial Key.

We'd like to say it's been fun, but really it hasn't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hezkore.9568


Bye!! _o/

Btw. I’d look into your router or whatever you’re using.
Me and my girlfriend are playing on a 10/10mbit line and we haven’t had a single problem with lag since beta.

Lost 1000 guild influence points from building

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hezkore.9568


This seems to be true Manoa, or some Admin added our Guild Bank back to the queue.
It’s completed now and all is well.

Lost 1000 guild influence points from building

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hezkore.9568


Ok thanks Azzras, I have done this… Hoping it gets fixed soon! :S

Lost 1000 guild influence points from building

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hezkore.9568


Yes, we worked ourkitten off to get those influence points. :/

I really think we should be compensated for this, just give us 1000 more points and It’d be fine, wouldn’t cost ANet anything anyways.

This reminds me of when ANet banned loads of people for accidentally buying those weapons (even though that was ANet’s fault too) , this time it’s only ANet’s fault and we shouldn’t have to suffer for this one too.
(Yes I’m still a bit upset over that, even though I didn’t even get affected by it)

Lost 1000 guild influence points from building

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hezkore.9568


Me and my small guild “Sweden Mayhem” have worked our way up to a Guild Stash, and 22 hours ago we finally started building it, and now I login only to find that it’s no longer being built, it hasn’t been canceled and we’re still short 1000 influence points.

I have included a screenshot showing that we DID start building it and that it’s not finished and it’s not in the Build Queue either.

What happened?
