Showing Posts For Hierofan.2415:
Hmm maybe there are more things to be disclosed in the upcoming weeks, but for the time being Ceara /Scarlett seems too much of a simplistic character compared to the wide powers she is supposed to have.
Something does not fit here. I hope ANet can surprise us more.
I found them too, and originally thought that they were part of the main event. Looks like they are a stepping stone towards another later story!
True, the story choices push you along the good guy path. Going Bad choices would be great, but the game will need redesign.
In PvE I’d like to see the event stories having a long term impact on the zones: eg, repeated event failures during the battles against centaurs, would see the centaurs encroach further across human territories.
My two cents:
I am member of a small guild on Arborstone, and we have been having a great time so far. The guild missions look great but, our interest lie in missions such as guild rush, and we are not interested at all in guild bounty events. So far everything indicates that in order to unlock guild rush, we will have to successfully take part in one bounty mission, then unlock exploration, then unlock guild rush. I am finding this way of making us run through hoops somehow disappointing.
Moreover organising collaborative PvE gameplay between guilds on Arborstone or any French server will be a time-consuming hassle for a small reward.
Given the fact that Sylvari consider first and foremost love as inspiration, falling in love with somebody from another race would be possible. Sexual intercourse is another matter.
“To a sylvari, love is about inspiration, and it has nothing at all to do with the physical form.” That’s from the official wiki guys… The page is here
Sylvari are begotten by the Pale Tree, they do have knowledge of sorts of the world over, they have some mastery of gardening techniques, and they have metaphysical beliefs the supremacy of nature over destruction. Is that enough to make them a civilization?
Ah there is a nice you tube movie showing phase1. Looks awesome, even though my guildmates told me it was so frustrating!
Of all this discussion we can only notice that 1- Sylvari have genitalia
2-They only appear similar to humans
Basically since tissue is wrapped around the wooden frame, a significant fall will see the “flesh” torn from the “bones”, with concussion damage for the ’landing" limbs (absorbing the impact). Internal organs (lung/like sack and digestive tube) may be sensitive to rupture as well. Overall I would consider the Sylvari to be somehow more resistant than human, withing a certain limited, though.
In Ghosts of Ascalon, Killeen “oozes” green sap, turn pale/ yellowish when she is hurt or poisoned, and start withering drying out when they are dead.
Questions: Do sylvari grow leaves and shed them, the way animals shed their coat in spring?
Is their body fleshy or is it a network of tendrils and leaves growing around a wooden frame?
In the latter case can they interpenetrate in the way some plants do, growing tendrils against a twig? And in this case does this amount to sexual intercourse?
Craft has become an interesting part of the game, and it involves something more creative than devastating an ecosystem out of a testosterone peak.
Would it be possible to accomplish craft quests? After all, good craftsmen have to learn secrets of the trade, tips and tricks, which make their creation unique. In order to gain those skills we could complete special quests rewarding with unique recipes or unique components, or unique personal crafting quests!
We could start by helping -defending-producing with a craftsman in one village
Or participating in a crafting event
Or retrieving exotic crafting components, before combining then in a secret Mount Doom like forge.
What do you think?
If you want something more immersive, first talk to the character next to the heart. He/she will tell you what the event is about and why it is taking place. Then as you receive your gold medal, do not rush away in pride, but hang around listening at the npc’s dialogues and you will discover something else is about to happen.
The medal is not the end of the story…