Showing Posts For Holy Carnophage.7256:

FsP/FR/AM 6april

in WvW

Posted by: Holy Carnophage.7256

Holy Carnophage.7256

Seriously there is no double-teaming at all. Whats wrong with attacking a structure from server X while they are busy with fighting server Y…points-wise its just a clever decision. And there´s no difference if Server X is FR or FSP.
We also could complain about the same thing. FSP perma-attacking and taking Klovan while FR took Wildcreek an nearly Aldon´s too but we don´t…thats just how things work, especcially in EBG.
Last week you complained about our huuuuuuge Zergs and that you don´t have those numbers at all (wasn´t FSP accused of the exact same thing the week before our Matchups?) and this week, you complain that the other Servers are double-teaming you. Can´t you just accept that this is an extremely close matchup….do you really only have fun in WvW when you are dominating the matchup?

you just gave 1 example of 1 push in 4 days against u, congratulations( the push yesterday on klovan and wc). Wich in my opinion is pretty normal to go for to people who have sm. It instantly happens when we have it, but u have sm for 4 days and we only capped it with our own golems rushes. we have seen sm north open 1 time from fr side and then even had to use it ourselves to get sm while FR was attacking our towers…. again.

So just to point out having SM 4 days and then complaining about 1 time klovan and wildcreek get doubled is pretty sad imo.

So now u can see what happens when FR also goes on people who have SM ( we were shouting on teamspeak yesterday evening that we had the first chance ever to cap SM normal this week)
but i guess for 50people on the same ts3 server thats not enough proof

(edited by Holy Carnophage.7256)

Far Shiverpeak 4th bugusing today

in WvW

Posted by: Holy Carnophage.7256

Holy Carnophage.7256

WvW is not a kitten Dungeon where kids can bugg & exploit just 4 fun for getting tokkens – WvW is Competition “quote from first post”

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA competition this is so hilarious, im not supporting bug using aswell but WOW.

FR and AM are noticably doubleteaming us all week and previous week. read the other post about the wvw match up they have been on us for 5 times when we were in inner sm within 2-3 hours and its not only been this for one day its been every single day.

Like i said i dont support bug using and nor does most of FSP but if some people do we cant help it more then report….

Now to come back to the fair play. how about we get some fair play from AM and FR side aswell? sounds like a lot more fun

(edited by Holy Carnophage.7256)

FsP/FR/AM 6april

in WvW

Posted by: Holy Carnophage.7256

Holy Carnophage.7256

Ok here goes, ive been fairly happy so far with this match up these weeks and we had some good fights with both servers, but….

today i was commanding in eb around mhh 11:00 to 14:00 and weve been in SM 5 times wich was from AM (inside inner gate at 50procent). Every time, i repeat every single time the FR server went on us… 3 times on durios 1 times on bravost 1 time they even went fight against our zerg in SM.

I literraly never post anything in the gw2 forums but the french server is just only playing full on FSP server all the time. I even see it happening on the borderlands where AM has theire whole borderlands and we are lacking maybe 2 towers and sometimes a keep.

I mean sure its fine if u play against us and i have no objection against it if u see us as a strong opponent, but i just like to keep it fair for all sides….

And this is not just me that is noticing this…. its most of the FSP server.