Showing Posts For Horth.7609:

Small man/Havoc Crew Tier Consolidation?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Horth.7609


Hi I’m [oPP] Melanin,

TheHolderOfTheBoulder™ has spoken and [oPP]. [AAO], and [RIOT] aren’t gonna be making a switch anytime soon. We’re not gonna switch because to us it looks as if you guys are trying to build a new JurassicPark™, but this time without the T-Rex™. Removing the T-Rex™ might sound like a good idea to you guys, but the fact of the matter is you don’t have a JurassicPark™ without a T-Rex™… you just end up with LizardIsland™. It’s just messing up the whole ecosystem because there’s a reason why T-Rex™ takes over the middle of the island in the same way that it makes sense for Zergs to take over Keeps and StoneMist.

Ssssssssssstop trying to turn our Nossssssssssss into a Yesssssssssssssssssssssss!


- Mel

Yea but we all know it was the raptors that made the movie entertaining aka the 5 man teams.

^True story. T-Rex = Zerg blob :[
T8 is the official small man tier because two of the servers will never leave t8. The only reason you wouldn’t want to transfer is because you are not a TRUE 100% small man who only enjoys small man play. You are a hybrid therefore not good enough.

Horth 80 Guard/Theif

Confusion fixed, now remove aoe cap.

in WvW

Posted by: Horth.7609


Easy fix to all of this…..


You people that run around in huge blobs should all have your heads examined. How is it fun or challenging? You think you are skilled? I just don’t get it and probably never will. It’s like asking why serial killers kill I guess.

Horth 80 Guard/Theif

Small man/Havoc Crew Tier Consolidation?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Horth.7609


Hopefully the word will spread about this being a the 5 man tier and the zerglings will transfer or convert. Honestly though what is the point of zerging or the awesome point system in tier 8? “Hey guys were the best of the kitten zerging servers!”

You think guesting on a couple server a day and trying to spread the word in Lions Arch would help?

Horth 80 Guard/Theif

19/04 SF/NSP/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Horth.7609


Not that I really understand zerg mentality anyways, but Im baffled at why there is a NSP zerg at Mendons/HoD spawn when they have only 125 points and the only thing they control in EB is 1 supply camp. I guess maybe its to roflstomp the 2 players in the valley there. Effective use of time NSP.

That is strange. Look at the XoXo scrub in the middle of the zerg stomping roamers. Typical ;] I can’t explain why my server does the things they do at least were not pvdooring though! right? :]

Ahh but actually I ran around in circles around the KOM guy without attacking him while he got zerged, because I knew he would come to the forums and cry about it..

I’m sure you can figure out a reason that a large zerg would be running around grabbing supplies when they don’t own any of their map.

That’s funny because I just watched you get picked off in the middle of our zerg by a single thief while you key turned in panic mode.

lolz ok then.. But I’m pretty sure I was one of the very few that survived that SF ambush at Pangloss. w/e makes you feel good to think though.

Nice move btw SF we weren’t expecting that kitten at all lol.

Spaz CLICK staff 2 to freedom! Nice.

Horth 80 Guard/Theif

19/04 SF/NSP/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Horth.7609


Not that I really understand zerg mentality anyways, but Im baffled at why there is a NSP zerg at Mendons/HoD spawn when they have only 125 points and the only thing they control in EB is 1 supply camp. I guess maybe its to roflstomp the 2 players in the valley there. Effective use of time NSP.

That is strange. Look at the XoXo scrub in the middle of the zerg stomping roamers. Typical ;] I can’t explain why my server does the things they do at least were not pvdooring though! right? :]

Ahh but actually I ran around in circles around the KOM guy without attacking him while he got zerged, because I knew he would come to the forums and cry about it..

I’m sure you can figure out a reason that a large zerg would be running around grabbing supplies when they don’t own any of their map.

That’s funny because I just watched you get picked off in the middle of our zerg by a single thief while you key turned in panic mode.

Horth 80 Guard/Theif

19/04 SF/NSP/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Horth.7609


Not that I really understand zerg mentality anyways, but Im baffled at why there is a NSP zerg at Mendons/HoD spawn when they have only 125 points and the only thing they control in EB is 1 supply camp. I guess maybe its to roflstomp the 2 players in the valley there. Effective use of time NSP.

That is strange. Look at the XoXo scrub in the middle of the zerg stomping roamers. Typical ;] I can’t explain why my server does the things they do at least were not pvdooring though! right? :]

Horth 80 Guard/Theif

19/04 SF/NSP/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Horth.7609


K, press 2 harder bro.. Btw I kitten on you with a warrior I’d been playing for 2 days, you refuged at 15% while I was 100 and I decided it wasn’t worth my time anymore and walked away.. But everytime I encountered you in group play my combat log said “heartseeker x 4 or 5”. So keep talkin bout skillz.

Btw when we were Envy, Skarllok and Sheefu were always the ones hanging in the back while the rest of us fought, also coincidentally usually the first to die, especially Sheefu. You know where Skarllok’s hate came from? Because he was being a kitten talking crap behind my back and the whole guild disbanded over it – without my encouragement btw.

Oh, this is cute. Hanging out in the back while the rest of you fought? Would this be while you were dueling out in EB, or the times when you never grouped with us? You wouldn’t really know about many of the groups we had in Envy as your primary role in the guild was to cry about things that bothered you, criticize anyone in the guild for their build, and to let everyone know how you “kitten on” terrible players.

Let’s not forget that you weren’t in Envy that long, and had already been kicked out of the guild once before. I don’t want to say the vote was unanimous, but it was pretty laughable what people had to say about you when it happened. That’s when your illustrious DOWN guild started. I love how you try to play nice here when it’s funny what you used to say back in those days. I’m guessing people can change, but I never bought this act.

Envy broke up because it stopped being a guild long ago. Most of the guild was just a collection of good players with a heavy dueling background who happened to share the same tag. Most of the people couldn’t, or wouldn’t, get in voice chat and half the people had no clue how to mark targets and assist. The guild officially broke up when I was on vacation for a number of weeks, so your facts on who was talking crap was a bit wrong on that one. It wasn’t me, but I’ll go ahead and shoulder that, I could care less.

You bring nothing to the table Dank, and you never have. You’re a glorified dueler who thinks more of himself than anyone else you come across. You can say all you want about how I play, but I let what happens in the game do mine. You’re just another sheeple who hides at the first sign of trouble. Oh, but you like to duel, so I guess that changes things. And given what we’ve come across in XOXO lately, you really shouldn’t be saying anything. But then again, you guys are clearly not a small-man group. But you’ve been rather upfront with how you like to zerg now, so power to you.

Fortunately, the Internet is a lot like a tower, it’s pretty easy to hide behind, so I can see how you excel with these baseless claims.

Take care, Dank!

“man the cannons XOXO it’s PAXA! We don’t have enough here…..yet! "

I think they are all arrow cart spec’d. <—— Yes it’s the new profession Zerg Wars 2 released.

Horth 80 Guard/Theif

19/04 SF/NSP/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Horth.7609


LOL made them put their own foot in their mouths. ^ Win
XoXo’s rep on NSP and all over is a joke. To be honest they only have like 2 good players. You may claim to have 4 people on but all you do is run with other pugs/zergs and gank solo’s and small groups. I’ve run in the middle of you guys and actually at one time thought you were good. Being a good troll doesn’t make you good at the game sorry xoxo.
Paxa, GT, KoM, SPCA and Splat should have all the rep for being the best small mans in this tier…

-Love ya! ;]

He shows a pic of 6 v 5(xoxo 5) + more green dots on the map, with no pic of whatever the outcome of the skirmish was(of course) and this somehow proves something? k.

Do you even WvW? Never heard of you or QQ guild.. All the regular WvW guilds on NSP respect us and we have many friends on the server, so it doesn’t really matter at all what you think.. Well besides that MOB is mad at us because they got in a tiff with Obsession.

Your eye’s are like this -_- OPEN THEM MOARPLZ! Recount.
It’s obvious you are running to spawn. Any downs kid can see that. I’m going to assume he took this SS as proof to be later used on the forums. If that’s whats running then I wonder what is dead behind them. Who are you Dank? Never heard of you lol… My guild is not QQ. QQ is what you do on the forums. I’m an ex Os member.

Horth 80 Guard/Theif

19/04 SF/NSP/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Horth.7609


I’ve actually never had a larger proportion of players from a single guild rage at us, than xoxo.

It seems to follow the same trend as well. They join party, start whining saying we are overhyped or something like that. We then fight them with even numbers, they lose and then they bring 2-3 times the numbers.

It is quite entertaining.

I know, I know… We’re baddies. And carebears ( me).
I even remember losing to a mosquito. I hope he has a forum account, I would love to hear his story.

Hey, look at what I am replying to. The intent of my post was to demonstrate that what he said was incorrect, as we have never come across such a large proportion of a guild that has raged at us.

This isn’t a post where you reply in a manner that tries to make you look like an innocent victim in a pitiful attempt to solicit pity. This is a post where you reply with something along the lines of “Yes, sometimes some of our members get worked up about the game. It happens to everyone sometimes.” At that point, I say something along the lines of “Fair enough. We all sometimes put too much energy into a silly game.” This would cover your guild-members raging and then we could get along.

If you want to manipulate people by playing the victim card instead however, then it is your choice to do so.

Because your statement is a little biased. We hardly have 5 active members during prime time (east time for me). How is it possible for us to bring 2-3 times your numbers unless you’re soloing? And so far, I rarely see KoM soloing. So imho, you’re exagerating a bit. Hence my exagerated answer.
But of course, I can be wrong. It just rarely happens when I’m playing.

For the raging part, I don’t know. I’m not that kind of a player who need to join a party to rage after them. I just want to have fun before heading to bed. Lol, I don’t even spike solo’ers who lose agains’t me. I just /bow and move. I try to be as respectful as possible.

It’s just really annoying to read all these accusations this morning. But I can understand that people got annoyed by XOXO trolls. I think we deserve our reputation :s

I never claimed that they come back with 2-3 times the number of xoxo members. It’s generally other guilds that they call in for back-up.

You may be a nice person and not rage at people, but we have on multiple occasions had xoxo members join party after they died just to insult us. So if someone from xoxo is going to claim that the entire guild takes it easy, then I will call that out as being the lie that it is.

Ah you’re talking about me when I joined and wasn’t raging (also never died) and just said you guys are nothing more then gankers (you are – self admited, read a few pages back). To which you said we were afraid to 2v2 you on our kittenty warriors. To which we then fought you 2(us)v4(you and 2 pugs) and got both of you. Then you came back and this time it was 4(us and 2 pugs)v2(you) and you didn’t even try to fight just ran like little girls until varcona over extended then you jumped on him for the ele kd lolglass shatter burst gank .

I have NEVER out of the 100’s of times I’ve seen KOM, seen you stick around for a 5v5 3v3 or anything close to that, all you girls do is run to get an overextender you can 5v1 gank and call yourselves good. So be it, whatever makes you feel good, just don’t come here all high and mighty.

I really enjoy the run and waypoint strategy they use. If you want to talk about fair fights we had our 2v2 duel awhile back where we roflstomped along with 1v1 duels where Andromeda and myself both kitten on your mes and ele. Then the following day you join our group and claim that you won the duels and we called in a zerg to kill you. You are a little delusional.

At this point in time the only KoM member that has my respect is the asura thief he fights against bad odds all the time and makes a good show. I think I will start recording you ride the lightning and waypoint, will make a good montage.



LOL made them put their own foot in their mouths. ^ Win
XoXo’s rep on NSP and all over is a joke. To be honest they only have like 2 good players. You may claim to have 4 people on but all you do is run with other pugs/zergs and gank solo’s and small groups. I’ve run in the middle of you guys and actually at one time thought you were good. Being a good troll doesn’t make you good at the game sorry xoxo.
Paxa, GT, KoM, SPCA and Splat should have all the rep for being the best small mans in this tier…

-Love ya! ;]

Horth 80 Guard/Theif

Why are warriors the current FOTM in WvW?

in Warrior

Posted by: Horth.7609


You just inserted your foot into you mouth. " It’s obvious I made no assumption….
I also know for a fact you are in the same boat he is in.
Play a D/D ele then come run your mouth."
Sounds like a pretty big assumption if you ask me. I could be a D/D ele for all you know, but you just “assumed” that I wasn’t because I have a problem with it. As an engi and can constantly best D/D eles, but I still can’t do as much as they can. As an HGH Nades engi I can deal good damage, apply conditions, and remove them while stacking might. However as a tradeoff I can be very fragile and have very few escape methods seeing as Elixir S may make me invulnerable, but I don’t move faster or heal while using it nor do I have another skill to follow it that allows me to get far out of other players attack range. This is OK, my build has both advantages and disadvantages, but as a D/D ele there are very few situations where you are at a total disadvantage, whereas most other specs have to make sacrifices in other areas to do what they want. There’s meta and counter meta, but when a class bring so much more to the table than another it’s a problem. I don’t want D/D to be made useless, but there should be some tradeoffs for all that survivability.

Cool story and it looks like I was right. I got the win win. There are plenty of trade offs play one and see for yourself. Or better yet sit here and blindly judge a class you have no idea about and continue to flood the forums with your babble. Either way in the end I win because I know how to adapt and improve and don’t get frustrated enough to come to the forums and cry OP OP OP. Any class can beat any class. Lots of factors are involved such as “Build, Stats, movement, player awareness etc.” No decent player can argue that.

Horth 80 Guard/Theif

Is mobility too strong?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Horth.7609


Before you people cry about imbalance please post a video of you playing and your build so the community can determine whether you have a right to your claims. I’m 99% sure most of the cry babies either have sub par gear, builds, and movement (Back peddle, Clicking, Key turning, not dodge rolling). I strongly believe if these things apply to you then you have no right to come to the forums and whine. You are not playing the best you can be playing so of course good people are going to make short work of you “handicapped gamers”.

Horth 80 Guard/Theif

Consolidating 5 mans into one tier

in WvW

Posted by: Horth.7609


This is a good idea. My friends/guild mates have been talking about dropping out of tier one. We joined SoR in hopes it would stay in the middle tier but it has sky rocketed up to #2. We would really like to get some small scale fights. The zergs in tier one are very good with AOE on the rez clumps and rezzing allies ASAP. In the lower tiers zergs were much easier to rock with out 4-8 man groups.

I’ve seen a big drop of interest lately with my guild mates. Spvp is all about holding points to win & WvW is a zerg fest (Even trying to ninja a tower with 5 guys 30 show up). We went from an active 15 man guild to 5-3 active members in the last 5 months. Hopefully presenting this idea to them will spark some life in them, otherwise we will be praying for Guild vs Guild.

Horth 80 Guard/Theif

Guild Wars "2" Zerg Friendly

in WvW

Posted by: Horth.7609


Smaller groups of player will either learn how to deal with it, or cry more for their lack of skill and teamwork. If your small group aren’t skilled enough to kill zergs, then don’t kill zergs.

It is already proven that small groups can destroy large zergs already. Watch videos of 5 man groups killing 30+ zergs.

Its nice that everything you say is general statements with no proof of logic or example scenarios. All you can say is “get better noob”. Clearly you don’t want to debate or discuss about these issues, but just try to counter and mock what people are saying to be a kitten.

Yes 5 people can kill smaller zergs and im sure there are videos of it. But the quality of the zerg is probably rock bottom. But you run into a zerg that has a few competent people among the masses that can exploit what a small group has to do to fight a zerg (like stomping downed players), its probably game over for the small group.

Well said Azgarn. Runeblade is most likely a “zerg baby”.

Horth 80 Guard/Theif