Showing Posts For Horuz.6451:

8/09 - FSP, Gandalf, Elona Reach

in Match-ups

Posted by: Horuz.6451


My Dear WvW-Players on Gandara, You really need the higher save Position at your Spawn on Gandara BL? I mean i gladly fight you 1 on 1 or 1 on 2 if you like better, no problem for me. But to stand obove me an shoot me with a bow while to brave gandaran try to fight me is just noob play….lol.
At this point congrats to YAK you always a though fight an give me hardtimes.
Also very funny scene to meet with a Gandara at Golanta on EB, we wave at each other and go our own way…

Andrasta Pendragon
B A D News [NEWS]

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Horuz.6451


Some very nice fights on Piken bl over the last few hours. Rather few blobs and mostly guilds running by themselves. We’re new here so forgive us if we don’t remember all the tags yet, but thanks to NEWS, ECL, IRAE, VOLT and others for the fights.

And of course GD. It was a shame we couldn’t really touch you tonight. Still, we tried our best. Thanks for the fair fights and not backstabbing us. Hope to see you again!

We also like to thank you for those nice fights, next time we will try even harder;).
There was some nice fights against OSC too, so thanks for that.
Hope there will be some nice fights till the end of the week.
Everbody good like and have fun… see ya on the battleground:)

Andrasta Pendragon
B A D News [NEWS]