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Helseth carries bronze 4v5

in PvP

Posted by: Hostile.1297


You’ve seen the people in bronze, they are absurdly terrible and these potatoes on your team are likely to be on the other team. If you can’t achieve more than a 50% win rate vs potatoes then you are a potato. I mean they were even stood in the middle of the map having a blooming dance party because it never occured to them what the fluff they should do.

To be clear, people in bronze generally don’t understand skills, blocks, dodges, rotations or anything of the like, it’s been shown on videos and if you cannot win 1v2 against people who mash buttons in no particular order well you are not worthy of progressing. Warrior absolutely destroys people like that, if you have trouble in bronze pick up a warrior and carry like a pack mule on steroids, you’ll be roflstomping them.

Silver you may have to think about what you do and your team but anyone who is mechanically decent with a carry class should progress even slowly. I’m looking forward to seeing what silver is like on stream.

I have to say I think him not just one-shotting legend kind of has a bias, though. As time goes by, people get filtered closer towards the tiers they belong in. My games in silver at the very beginning of the season had players from diamond and low bronze who got lucky in placement games because of those players who carried them. Silver towards the 1200-1250 range a week ago was absolutely ELO hell; there were games where I consistently saw people not even capping neutral uncontested points, sitting around AA’ing the air, etc. while opponents who belong in gold+ were just doing generally well, and when on the unlucky side, those are just the kinds of games you lose; you don’t 1v4 and win against players who belong in higher divisions unless you’re playing something blatantly overpowered; hell, even I’ve won 1v4’s against people in silver when playing core D/D power thief, just because they didn’t belong in the game/tier. Helseth is an amazing mesmer but his method of experimentation isn’t really sound, nor is this topic in general.

So as the baddies get filtered out, he’ll be able to carry himself better, so it doesn’t really prove much. Basically, him taking it slowly avoids the whole “ELO hell” thing.

Does ELO hell exist? Sort of. It does at the beginning of the season where people are all over the place in ranks they don’t belong, and matches are determined by RNG, and it can depending on the class/build you’re playing in respects to how reliable your teammates are. If you’re an excellent support it doesn’t really matter how good you are if your teammates don’t understand the basics of combat. It also depends on the scope of the game. GW2’s PvP scene is very small. People will filter out faster as a consequence. In massive games like League, you can have a new influx of players at a given rank pretty much every day, constantly upsetting this process. The existence of ELO hell will therefore be more persistent.

So making blanket statements like it does/doesn’t exist – and really the method of this experimentation – is kind of based entirely on flawed logic.

Great post, absolutly agreed. There’s a chance of this happening.

People are complaining about not gettin placed properly so its not about getting out of a tier. Its about gettin quality matches that represent the tier ur in and belong to. The ladder is so poluted with wrong placements and old farmed mmr its hard to climb to where u belong and u can even overshoot a fall.

Helseth carries bronze 4v5

in PvP

Posted by: Hostile.1297


I’v won gold ranked 4v5s. Doesnt mean a thing. All i would get from his streams so far is "u might get out of bronze if u are a legendary 2 time world champion playing kitten meta condi mesmer with portal and moa. You “only” get full map control with that class." I dont think any other class could do that except maybe thief. He can recover his teams misstakes easy in bronze cause he has map coverage and condi is so strong against plebs. Wait for higher tiers where half of the enemy team is semi decent and can actually punish you so hard u cant recover your teams misstakes that easy.

He’s good and all and very entertaining and i wish he can get up to legendary but i highly doubt it. I hope he proves us wrong

(edited by Hostile.1297)