Showing Posts For Hov.1659:

Who are happy with their elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Hov.1659


Been palying Elle since head start, have few other chars at low levels, simply because i dont find them fun enough, I’ve also done fair share of sPvP and thus far my Elle seems reasonable enough to stay competitive, few 300 point games under the belt already. and im only PvP lvl 10. So with more practice, i am sure i will become even better. i started of with a D/D toughnes/hp build, but not too long aog droped that for glass cannon S/D and its been a blast, since i learned that if you kid around almost any class will smash you quickly, therefore only way not to die is be mobile and unleash hell to them literially.
I imagine there is alot of QQ around, but heck im sure its the same with every class (except for thiefs) . Practice amkes perfect, no need to hate on a class simply because its not OP

I can't make my Elementalist work in spvp...

in PvP

Posted by: Hov.1659


I have only played Ele the whole time. My best recommendation would be dag/dag combo and max out earth and vitality, so at least you are not getting destroyed in 10 seconds. you do give away a fair amount of damage.
But it all pays off in the fact that you actually stay alive long enough to deal the damage. and the thunder 345 switch to earth 345 fire 345 combo when you sneak up on a group seems to work rather well, as long as you have back up. But if you are ever out numbers , may as well just get the violin out.