Showing Posts For Hukundu.7628:

12/13/13 BG/JQ/SoR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


To the JQ Warrior I dueled in NW BGBL — thanks for the fight, and well done. Sorry I didn’t give you more of a challenge


Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


Nice battle for ET’s Garrison tonight. YB, you put up a good fight.

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

9/6 ET/SF/DR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


I was running out of PM space, so I didn’t leave them in

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

9/6 ET/SF/DR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


I lost count. But the thread went from 5 pages to 3…

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

9/6 ET/SF/DR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


Outstanding effort just now on DR’s part, claiming both SF’s BL garrison and SM castle. Congratulations.

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

9/6 ET/SF/DR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


This is ET taking it easy on SF…


Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

8/30 GoM/ET/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628



Did you take ET Gari this week? Just wondering.

I believe he did. NSP’s garrison and their keep in EB look like the only keeps that didn’t flip this week. Of course, there’s still a few hours left in the match

Pretty sure ET flipped our Gari on Tuesday. But only for a very brief time. Could be wrong though. says you’ve held it for six days. Is their count off sometimes?

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

8/30 GoM/ET/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628



Did you take ET Gari this week? Just wondering.

I believe he did. NSP’s garrison and their keep in EB look like the only keeps that didn’t flip this week. Of course, there’s still a few hours left in the match

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

8/30 GoM/ET/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


Haha love to see this. GoM faced us (FC) and AR last week and GoM admitted to focusing on us instead of AR since we were the “threat” but when NSP does the same to them they feel bullied and QQ.

Being lowest ranked server in match —-> gain evolution due to #1 focus #2
Gain evolution —-> keep fighting higher ranked servers
Keep fighting higher ranked servers —--> lose players and morale
Lose players and morale —--> drop evolution
drop evolution —--> back to fighting lower ranks
Fighting lower ranks —--> win and boost morale and population
repeat cycle.

Good job this week ET every time we evolve you do too – you just refuse to let us pass you in the ranks! >.<

We’re not done evolving yet

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

8/30 GoM/ET/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


Ouch. This musta hurt.

I don’t think there were that many folks around at 4am EST to be hurt

Granted, we had to clean the graffiti off the walls after we recapped stuff, but it’s par for the course.

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

8/30 GoM/ET/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


Dear NSP,
I was the hapless Sylvari running the AC when you guys took our EB keep. I lagged out just as you guys broke in. Was going to die anyway, but I’d rather have not been frozen…

Anyway, needless to say, when I got back in I was dead, so I didn’t see the manner of my death. I just hope you killed me quickly, and didn’t have your way with me.

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

(edited by Hukundu.7628)

8/30 GoM/ET/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


Next match you could be pitted against AR and DR, kick their kitten and STILL lose rank, where we could face DH and IoJ, get our butts kicked, and STILL gain rank, and overtake u in rank. I lol at that logic.

Very true. But given our recent luck, I’m guessing a BG/JQ/ET matchup is in the offing.

And don’t worry too much about PUG morale. A couple of months back, ET basically lost what meager WvW capability we had when most of our commanders decided to move to HoD or elsewhere. It was a low point, but even then we still had some die-hards who held on until we had an infusion of new blood.

Like I said, it all comes around. If GoM is free-falling, it won’t last forever.

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

(edited by Hukundu.7628)

8/30 GoM/ET/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


Now, now — just because ET was at the bottom so long, and became the butt of all WvW jokes, is no reason not to be nice just because we’re able to lay increased smack down now It all comes around, I suppose.

GoM – I actually do feel for you guys. DR, who ET faced last week, is facing the same problems. In fact, they lost several WvW guilds during the week, and frankly are in real trouble.

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

8/30 GoM/ET/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


NSP showing some “night crew” moves this morning. Nice work on EB.

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

8/30 GoM/ET/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


very high population does not equate to wvw population, gom is mostly a pve server.

I’ll just quote myself from another thread…

The excuse “X server is a PvE server” is overused… I recall FC saying that when they first lost #23 to ET (the week I came to ET). GoM used the same excuse when they dropped to T8 and lost (saying it was SAB fault). HoD used the same excuse when they didn’t caused the (Ho)Domination of T8 they promissed. ET also used this excuse many times…

The only servers that aren’t focused on PvE are gnashing each other for the first place (JQ/SoR/BG). Even the Tarnished Coast (which is the #4) is a PvE based server (They love Dolyak parades and RP stuff), so anything under that cannot use the excuse of “PvE based”.

PvE events dent WvW population? Yes, they definetly do… But it will happen on DR, on ET, on IoJ, on anyone down here… The only thing is that IoJ actually have more people even without the guys that are killing Scarlet minions. So let us (not only DR) stop pretending that Clockwork Chaos is the reason that we are “losing”, and try to have fun with the population imbalance we have been put against.

And swap where its written DR for GoM, and where its written IoJ for NSP.

Yeah, I have to agree. We’re nearly ALL PvE servers. ET didn’t stay at #23/24 for nearly a year after Ruinous and others left without being a “PvE” server—and even now, at any given moment, any commander on ET would love to have the number of players in WvW that a Scarlet’s Minions event draws. Big PvE events on ET have nearly always drawn enough players to thoroughly zerg the WvW maps if they had been there instead (though there are times of day when even that’s not true, and our population limits show).

Yes, interest in WvW DOES matter, of course. Organization and focus matter more.

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

(edited by Hukundu.7628)

8/30 GoM/ET/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


Just curious here but I was wondering where all my fellow GoM went? O.o

Seems like no one is defending our bl this match up. We haven’t had wp all day o.O

Why are we doing so bad this week? We were doing so well these past months. What happened?

I’m pretty sure you lost some people to transfers, but I don’t know the details.

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


u seem to like to cry

Just adding some clarity to the situation. Although, from what I’ve seen, you guys may want to consider changing to Backside [BS], as that’s what I mostly see from you.

Basic are cowards. They think they’re epic forum warriors but they can’t even hammer out an intelligent post, rebuttal, or slam their faces against keyboard well enough to 2spam.


cuz u know what we think kkkkkkk. sry not pro like u we don’t fight for “dat ppt” then yes…we shud l2wvw

You should. Every cap every ppt point, it all matters. The caliber of your roamers, your commanders, server morale. It all matters.

ET will forever wallow in the lowest ranks because you guys don’t have it together.

And while you’re attacking me, I have a few friends on ET who has concerned moving to other servers like Gom, IoJ, HoD. They see the same things we’ve pointed out here.

And just liek the last time I was against ET (as a GoM commander) you guys are going to turtle after tonight. There wont be an ET force in WvW. Your morale is already so kittenty that the few fairweathers you have will peel away.

If you REALLY care about WvW, then dump ET and go to a real server. You might personally be worth a kitten but you’re casting pearls before swine.

Ok honestly you are have no idea what your talking about.. ET used to be last place and sat there forever, we are now moving to 21st place because we have come together as a server, ET is a powerhouse, we have skill, communication, and teamwork that most servers dont have, the only thing you can say over ET is that at times different servers have more of a timebase coverage over our server or more people that play the game in there server.

Over time people will see what we have seen we moved from first place blackgate(IoM) to join up with the ET server community and together with all the guilds on this server we are slowly climbing the ranks, talk all you want about ET but you have no idea what your talking about and have no clue about how the core of our server runs or what we are about.

Do your research go ahead and transfer to some big tier’d server where you are never gunna get into wvw because all BGs will have a ques or be smart and join a server with a good community and base, Roaming is needed for all servers but all this 1v1 crying kitten or getting mad because you get zergd is bs, its Guild Wars get your guild together and be about what you say with your skill or shut your mouth,

Whoever have friends that are currently on this server and actually are getting involved in WvW would already know what ET is on and what we are about just remember at the end of the day this is a game and just because you have more of a timebase coverage over a smaller growing server dont mean kitten.

Me thinks I hath hitteth a button.

QQ more and get some points. You guys can still win this!

You know, I’ve seen a lot of Internet forums over the last 20 years or so. And one constant is that the guy who demonstrates his ignorance most loudly always mistakes everyone’s reactions for “hitting buttons”.

Sometimes when people are trying to correct you, it’s because you’re genuinely wrong.

What if that person’s corrections are wrong?

I mean really. I transferred from GoM. GoM wiped our kittens with ET.

Its not that you guys suck. You guys have some good players, you just can’t keep coverage or control of your pugs.

I’m not exaggerating when I say things are changing in ET WvW from week to week. ET is already better than it was a month ago.

I still think we have quite a ways to go before we rival IoJ, so don’t take this as a “we’re going to wipe the floor with you this week” sort of post—that’s not the intent. But please don’t assume that, since you’ve faced ET in the recent past that it’s the same server. It’s not, either in morale, skill, or coverage.

Most of the responses you’re seeing to your original post about ET are ET’ers trying to tell you that it simply doesn’t mesh with what they see first hand, and yes, offended that you’d say ET is still bottom of the barrel when, for the first time in nearly a year, ET isn’t.

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

(edited by Hukundu.7628)

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


u seem to like to cry

Just adding some clarity to the situation. Although, from what I’ve seen, you guys may want to consider changing to Backside [BS], as that’s what I mostly see from you.

Basic are cowards. They think they’re epic forum warriors but they can’t even hammer out an intelligent post, rebuttal, or slam their faces against keyboard well enough to 2spam.


cuz u know what we think kkkkkkk. sry not pro like u we don’t fight for “dat ppt” then yes…we shud l2wvw

You should. Every cap every ppt point, it all matters. The caliber of your roamers, your commanders, server morale. It all matters.

ET will forever wallow in the lowest ranks because you guys don’t have it together.

And while you’re attacking me, I have a few friends on ET who has concerned moving to other servers like Gom, IoJ, HoD. They see the same things we’ve pointed out here.

And just liek the last time I was against ET (as a GoM commander) you guys are going to turtle after tonight. There wont be an ET force in WvW. Your morale is already so kittenty that the few fairweathers you have will peel away.

If you REALLY care about WvW, then dump ET and go to a real server. You might personally be worth a kitten but you’re casting pearls before swine.

Ok honestly you are have no idea what your talking about.. ET used to be last place and sat there forever, we are now moving to 21st place because we have come together as a server, ET is a powerhouse, we have skill, communication, and teamwork that most servers dont have, the only thing you can say over ET is that at times different servers have more of a timebase coverage over our server or more people that play the game in there server.

Over time people will see what we have seen we moved from first place blackgate(IoM) to join up with the ET server community and together with all the guilds on this server we are slowly climbing the ranks, talk all you want about ET but you have no idea what your talking about and have no clue about how the core of our server runs or what we are about.

Do your research go ahead and transfer to some big tier’d server where you are never gunna get into wvw because all BGs will have a ques or be smart and join a server with a good community and base, Roaming is needed for all servers but all this 1v1 crying kitten or getting mad because you get zergd is bs, its Guild Wars get your guild together and be about what you say with your skill or shut your mouth,

Whoever have friends that are currently on this server and actually are getting involved in WvW would already know what ET is on and what we are about just remember at the end of the day this is a game and just because you have more of a timebase coverage over a smaller growing server dont mean kitten.

Me thinks I hath hitteth a button.

QQ more and get some points. You guys can still win this!

You know, I’ve seen a lot of Internet forums over the last 20 years or so. And one constant is that the guy who demonstrates his ignorance most loudly always mistakes everyone’s reactions for “hitting buttons”.

Sometimes when people are trying to correct you, it’s because you’re genuinely wrong.

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


Epsilon Atreides: Well said.

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


ET will forever wallow in the lowest ranks because you guys don’t have it together.

And while you’re attacking me, I have a few friends on ET who has concerned moving to other servers like Gom, IoJ, HoD. They see the same things we’ve pointed out here.

And just liek the last time I was against ET (as a GoM commander) you guys are going to turtle after tonight. There wont be an ET force in WvW. Your morale is already so kittenty that the few fairweathers you have will peel away.

If you REALLY care about WvW, then dump ET and go to a real server. You might personally be worth a kitten but you’re casting pearls before swine.

You don’t know our server.

Tempting to say he also hasn’t been paying attention, but I don’t think that’s where this is coming from.

This looks to me like the sort of thing you post when you’re worried about something. Is IoJ losing guilds to ET?

Lol, nope. Look at our scores the past month. We’ve been gaining people / guilds, actually.

I can’t say much about ET. I think we fought you guys about 2 months ago? You seem to be doing better. One thing I can tell you, though, is not to say we only win things because of our oceanic crew. Our NA primetime crew has to go and prove you wrong if we hear that too often .

Fair enough. I can tell you we have primetime guys would would not make it easy for you (even if you carry the day). But mainly, I was just trying to figure out why someone would post stuff about ET that’s so easy to disprove.

It can’t actually be aimed at ET players — pretty much everyone in WvW on ET knows it’s not true. While we’re hardly upper “tier” at this point (as we’ve had helpfully pointed out to us, there are no more “tiers”), we’re also no longer bottom of the barrel, and yes, that’s a change that’s happened in about the last month or two. We’re working hard to improve, and we’ve had an influx of new blood that’s worked wonders. ET’s actually pretty enthused about WvW right now, and about continuing to improve — which for those of us who have been on ET all along, is absolutely great to see.

I certainly don’t think ET is a realistic threat to IoJ at this point. But I make no promises about the future.

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


ET will forever wallow in the lowest ranks because you guys don’t have it together.

And while you’re attacking me, I have a few friends on ET who has concerned moving to other servers like Gom, IoJ, HoD. They see the same things we’ve pointed out here.

And just liek the last time I was against ET (as a GoM commander) you guys are going to turtle after tonight. There wont be an ET force in WvW. Your morale is already so kittenty that the few fairweathers you have will peel away.

If you REALLY care about WvW, then dump ET and go to a real server. You might personally be worth a kitten but you’re casting pearls before swine.

You don’t know our server.

Tempting to say he also hasn’t been paying attention, but I don’t think that’s where this is coming from.

This looks to me like the sort of thing you post when you’re worried about something. Is IoJ losing guilds to ET?

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


IoJ should recruit IoM from ET. They got guys that laugh when they win with four times your numbers. Guys that kittenhug towers when faced with even numbers or slightly less their numbers. And they build two superior ballista and two arrowcarts in the open field to deal with 6 people when they have 20.

They’d fit right in!

I was sorry to see this comment, and sorry to see IoM dragged into this mudfest between DR and IoJ. While I’m not in IoM, I can honestly say the way they go about WvW is among the most professional I’ve seen anything done in GW2.

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

8/16 DR/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


Congratulations to DR for your successful golem rush on our garrison this evening. You guys managed to hit us precisely when our sentry was away for a minute, and got the drop on us. BoH’s and WXP all around.

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

8/9/13 Kain/HoD/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


In fairness, HoD voluntarily withdrew from the attack on our garrison, possibly to avoid losing the omegas. They did subsequently capture our (paper) Bay keep, which I believe was defended by three people (our daytime crew does what it can with what it has).

Your “voluntarily withdrew” is my “repelled”. I’ll take the wins wherever I can get them.

Oh, I’m not saying we didn’t help them arrive at the decision to leave.

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

8/9/13 Kain/HoD/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


I do sometimes wonder where Anet gets its population counts. On ET this morning (ET’s still mainly a PvE server in many ways), there were all of five people at the Queen’s Pavillion PvE gold mine. I think we had about as many in EB (not sure about our borderlands).

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

8/9/13 Kain/HoD/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


Why in the heck is there a 20+ HoD group in the ET BL attempting to take things (a fully upgraded Garrison for example) with 2 golems, when you’re entire BL is being painted green? (We put the smackdown on you btw)

We were outnumbered at least 2:1 (more but I’m being conservative) when they tried that with us moments before, but we managed to repel them at Cliffside and Garrison. So I know it can be done. Defend the homeland!

In fairness, HoD voluntarily withdrew from the attack on our garrison, possibly to avoid losing the omegas. They did subsequently capture our (paper) Bay keep, which I believe was defended by three people (our daytime crew does what it can with what it has).

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

(edited by Hukundu.7628)

8/02/13 ET/HoD/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


I gave up when I was trying to Solo defend HoD Garrison vs a zerg of like 30 ET with 3 Omegas… No one was even in our Borderland. At least, no one was answering or talking in map chat. As for EB, I gave up when there was only 4 of us defending Durios from the 40 or so NSP, just to have them split their zerg and take Bravost and QL while we held them off at Durios.

I feel bad for ET in this match-up, if HoD is getting the Outnumbered buff from all the NSP running around, and we seem to have more people than ET, then I give your entire server props.

Respect ET.

~HoD Since Beta.

Question. I do not intend this to be rude/demeaning/anything else. But has HoD given up this week? Normally as far as I can remember you guys have a penchant for being really aggressive and fighting hard. Large numbers, good fights etc. But this week (at least the hours i have been on) has seemed to be different. IDK if NSP is just growing fast, or its some combo of both.

Again really not trying to be rude, just wondering what is going on.

Several of them beat the crap out of me a few times. I’m not saying that that’s really hard to do, but just putting it out there.

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

(Lack of) cooldowns for warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


I was thinking about that, maybe a bull’s rush combined with greatsword 5. But the spinning motion was pretty unmistakable — Greatsword 3, perhaps three times in a row. We were left in the dust, and all commented on it.

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

(Lack of) cooldowns for warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


What is the warrior skill/build/ that allows you to use “whirlwind attack” multiple times in a row with basically no cooldown? We saw that yesterday with a warrior that got away from us using that in WvW.

If it’s legit, it’s legit. I haven’t seen it before, though, and as I also have a lvl 80 warrior toon, didn’t think it was possible.

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

8/02/13 ET/HoD/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


My favorite event this week so far: yesterday’s golem rush on the ET garrison. Know how I found out it was about to happen? One of my scouts in the garrison spotted it and the map chat went along these lines:

Scout: “Anyone diving off of the vista at garrison, be careful of the Fergs down there.”

Me: “We’re not playing against Fergs. What do you mean?”

Scout: “Oh, a zerg, then. And careful of a couple of golems swimming by, too.”


Clear communication is one of the things we’re working on

Yeah that was my failed attempt. Nice defense there. Almost went to North hills or back door bay, but most of us were about to log and thought wth let’s give it a shot. We were pretty sure we got spotted, but when we saw full supply at Garry I thought maybe you guys would be a little late getting siege up. You guys were already well sieged. I assumed wrong and you guys did a great job.

I really appreciate the compliment — I learn something every time.

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

8/02/13 ET/HoD/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


Et doesnt seem to have the issues with numbers that people have complained about I watched a 30+ man zerg on at a time when neither of the other 2 servers had 10 on the map. The ET zerg managed to take 1 tower and 2 camps and then lost them within 10 mins. This ET zerg spent at least 15 mins chasing our 3 man XOXO group around and failing to log any kills and getting us 20 stacks on our sigils. They chose to chase u instead of taking an unguarded Bay.

The more I play against ET the more I realize it isn’t solely a numbers issue. Running from even number fights, chasing small groups with 30 man zergs, and making no effort to use their players in an efficient manner to gain more points.

Your server could have twice its current population and without upgrading the quality of players you will always be bottom bracket server.

As it stands right now:

ET +50 Glicko
NSP – 25 Glicko

ET predicted to move up to grand ole rank #22 and NSP predicted to rank down to #17. Things that make you go…..hmmmmmmmmmm…..

If its PPT your after, I think you guys need to step up your game. We are running quite efficiently with what we have. According to Glicko we are handing you your kitten this matchup thus far.

But you are right, we do have many folks who run off chasing stragglers because they smell blood. It is one of my pet peeves when commanding when this happens. Or when attacking a tower, people run off to take a camp without dropping their supply into siege first. Especially when I didn’t even want to take the camp until after a cap…

-One Angry Motha

Your not going to find a server in the bottom 15 that is also ranked higher than you that will keep you from gaining points. Not without 1 or both servers keeping constant pressure on you. NSP was in the same boat months ago. If you can hold your BL most of the time, and keep your side of EB, nothing is going to stop it. However if both servers decided that they wanted to hold all of your territory and keep constant pressure on you that could change. TBH though neither HoD or NSP has the coverage to do that.

I’m pretty sure that most servers would have trouble if both of their opponents worked together to go after them simultaneously.

At any rate, ET has been at #24 for quite a while. If we’re moving up, that’s progress. Even so, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, we have work to do.

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

8/02/13 ET/HoD/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


My favorite event this week so far: yesterday’s golem rush on the ET garrison. Know how I found out it was about to happen? One of my scouts in the garrison spotted it and the map chat went along these lines:

Scout: “Anyone diving off of the vista at garrison, be careful of the Fergs down there.”

Me: “We’re not playing against Fergs. What do you mean?”

Scout: “Oh, a zerg, then. And careful of a couple of golems swimming by, too.”


Clear communication is one of the things we’re working on

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

(edited by Hukundu.7628)

8/02/13 ET/HoD/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


You know, to be honest, things have been a little buggy in any WvW ET touches ever since the massive 3-way battle for SM castle last week. I think we broke something.

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

8/02/13 ET/HoD/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


Things got buggy last night in ET around Briar. First was Dolyak, unbuffed moving at top speed running. Second was another dolyak whose avatar and location were at different places (picture attached). Third was a Flame Ram that kept spinning… Ah, the lols. This week has been good challenging fun.

We give our Dolyaks mesmer training.

The flame ram is great!

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

8/02/13 ET/HoD/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


I was the commander in Bay this evening when you came calling in ET. You guys put up a good fight. I hope we met your expectations.

You shouldn’t have left ET’s got some good development going on. We have a ways to go, clearly, but we’re moving in the right direction.


good show. +1

Sorry that we couldn’t come back to try some more, I’m sure it would have been some great fights. Unfortunately our entire bl was red, and nobody from other BLs or EB gave a kitten. So we spent all night hunting down camp takers and upgrading everything back.

I’ve been there and doubtless will again (probably tomorrow!). The one constant in WvW is the drain on one’s wallet for upgrades…

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

(edited by Hukundu.7628)

8/02/13 ET/HoD/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


I was the commander in Bay this evening when you came calling in ET. You guys put up a good fight. I hope we met your expectations.

You shouldn’t have left ET’s got some good development going on. We have a ways to go, clearly, but we’re moving in the right direction.


Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


SF can, of course, team up with GoM against ET — if they feel like they have to.

With Eredon Terrace’s winning score of 203 to 71 and 51, I think we will have to!


I agree with the sentiment above — the 3-way battle in SM last night was great. I saw special effects (e.g. gates sparkling) I’ve never seen in the game before. The servers were having a tough time.

Personally, I thought GoM, SF, and ET all fought very well, with lots of creative tactics.

(also looks like my edit above was too late…)

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hukundu.7628


Wait, wait. This game isn’t about having fun and making friends?

No cutting up, no fun, no gifs, no…anything. Everything has to be serious 24/7.

Why can’t we just have fun? We work pretty hard all week and I know a lot of us come onto the game to unwind and have fun.

Srsbzns 2013.

Look why don’t SF and GoM call a truce tonight? We all agree that ET is bad at WvW. Lets just leave each other’s BLs and EB along, let us have SM, and We’ll split ET territories in their BL and EB evenly, except let you guys have OL and Hills?

Edit: and Work as in, da jorb dat pays fer mah rents and mah intarwebs.
Mai laif outside of GW2: Class at 8a EST, Lab work from 10p-12p, Nap from 12p-2p, Concierge at a hotel from 4p-12a (this is what we might call ‘second shift’), GW2 from 1a-7a (this is what one might call ‘night crew’ cuz kitten be dark. Need a flashlight and kitten.)

Averalas, you’re certainly welcome to team up with SF against ET — if you feel like you have to.

Commander Tarane, Sylvari Elementalist
Facets of Reality (FoR)