Showing Posts For Humunculus.2437:

Forced respawn

in WvW

Posted by: Humunculus.2437


I see nothing wrong with your idea so long as the time they keep vision is long enough that they can relay where they ran off to. This means longer then it takes to cap, sort of an afk deal where if they are dead more then 5 min they are kicked from world vs world. This allows for other people to join as well when areas are full. This would solve a few issues at least.

Give us the badges without looting...

in WvW

Posted by: Humunculus.2437


auto looting of badges would be a nice touch i must agree

Commander for 100 g.... Why?

in WvW

Posted by: Humunculus.2437


djoeb i like your thinking

No reward for playing Support/Healer

in WvW

Posted by: Humunculus.2437


I play a warrior heal spec and tank spec depending on if I’m in a zerg or in a smaller fight. I heal for 20k in four sec as aoe regen and additional 5k hp every 10sec as an aoe straight heal as well as Heal myself for 9k. I stand at a base hp of a bit over 22k tank spec at a bit over 25k. This makes me no money healing but what I do overall for the group is more then any one dmg dealer can do. I can help sustain pushes as well as but that wont get me anywhere but broke. Please fix. I carry two sets of armor just so I can go get some badges once in a while. To those that say I am doing anything wrong go try it. You can see the results clearly, but thank yous don’t pay the bill.

Also it would be nice if I actually got a badge each time I killed someone. Especially for servers that get that butt handed to them like mine does half the time. Those kills are few and far between and you spend most of your time stuck in base while they can build siege in the distance and keep you in base. Why we cant build siege in our own main base idk. There is no true advantage if your pushed back that far your already losing but it would give ppl a chance to play even when they are far far behind.

Can we please lower the cost of waypoint travel?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Humunculus.2437


I agree I believe the costs should not be so high. The reason I say this is because this game is meant to have dynamic game play where players can have huge battles to beat bosses and work together to do so. If it costs me 3.5 silver to teleport to a beginner area to go help people with a boss how often can I be running around doing so before I am out of money. I have played over 200 hours of pvp, pve and wvwvw ect and I make a very slow profit compared to the amount of time I spend. I am not grinding I am just playing the game and helping people. I think that is the way the game should be played. Friendly fun environment where we help each other to accomplish our goals not lose an arm and a leg to tele to help only to lose your other arm and leg in repairs. I suggest that teleporting be dynamic in cost to distance or cost to area.