Showing Posts For HunterWolf.7356:

Game Breaking Bug: Parties, Guilds, Dungeons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: HunterWolf.7356


Thank you for putting these together on one post, makes things easy :).
I am having this bug too and now even logging in and out repeatedly isn’t helping much. The thing I find weird is that this is such a game breaking bug and yet theirs been no word from any Devs (as far as I know) about this… not even an acknowledgement or anything… I know of a few players who have stopped playing because of this bug and wont play again until its been confirmed it has been fixed.

Friends List, Guild Roster, and Party Broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: HunterWolf.7356


This bug is game breaking for me… 90% of the things I do on this game I do with my guild both pve and wvw. Having to log in and out repeatedly just to fix this is stupid. Why arnt any Devs even acknowledging this bug let alone fixing it? Do they not care that people are rage quitting because of this and the seemingly lack of effort to do anything about it.

I might be wrong, maybe they are trying and just you know… forgot to tell us or something ><