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[Constructive Feedback] Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: Iamsonotgrace.4813


I really tried to write my critics down, but it came up to 3 pages and i assume that noone who could change something about all this stuff will read that anyway.
Dear Anet, please talk to some WvW players with experince, not those casual farming bots logging in wvw every 2-3 weeks. Ask Around, get on touch with WvW community and guilds of all sizes (not only those massive PvX blobbguilds)

I mean the hype before HoT was real, so many guilds announced to reunite, to fight again, use guildshalls and stuff for the new gvgscene and such. And now, just a few weeks later 75% is gone again. And Why? Just because those new glory shiny shiny borderlands suck as hell:
- Massive laggs during PvE Event (WHY EVEN IMPLEMENT A PVE EVENT ON WVW MAP??!?!?)
- No good positions for openfield fights only chokes supporting pirateship meta and runaway builds
- The borders are just to huge, once you spotted a Battlcross on the other side you dont even need to bother going there – it will take you 10 minutes, till then the party is over.
- Since you cant fight other guilds/zergs (you just dont find them) you are busy with fightin the map itself. Noone needs: Tonns of Veteran Saurians randomly attacking, crippling/knocking-off/damge/bullkitten turrets in eagleshape, Pop-Up-Walls around and even IN your own keep (who doenst love it to run straight into a uppopping wall every 3 steps?), cloaking sandstorms, random portals, buffs for capping stupid shrines and so on.
- Ist not even important to keep or to defend your stuff, ist self upgradig and you instantly get your waypoint, once it was strategic to have the north towes for the defense or your own middle keep, or to keep the camps and have always like enough supps for siege etc. Now it doenst give you any advatage to cap the towers neither another keep then the one in your own third. You basically created a new EotM (yeah the shiny place no real wvw player went, just upscaled to farm ranks). The new maps are just good to run around with a 100men Zoneblobb and having a karma train capping an recapping all over just for the tick.

There are so many more points I could go on with but so many are already listed here.. And it is just about the new maps, i dont even start with balancing, classspecs or the Revenant.

Just give us the old borderlands back. I loved it the way it was, a plain not to huge map, with a lot of nice spots for fighting. Isnt that what WvW is supposed to be? A gamemode to fight?