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Received ban for gold selling?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Igram.9032


I was lucky enough to get the Legend on friday night. Having spent (gambled) all my gold in the mystic forge to get it. I couldnt afford to list it on the trading post. So I borrowed 25g off a guildy and then it sold Saturday night. I in return sent him back 50gold. I also sent 200gold to another friend so he could have the golden title. He sent the gold immediatley back.

Though I sent out 50 and 200 gold I haven’t been accused (and hopefully won’t be) but my friend whom I sent the 200gold to is now banned permenantly for being accused as a gold seller. He did nothing wrong but send me back my gold.

His ID is Trip.2140

Please resolve this as he can’t even log onto the forums now.

Magic Find [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Igram.9032


There is a lot of grief about MF, however I for one really enjoy it. Getting full exotic gear is easy (crafting/karma etc.) and so it didn’t take me long at all to complete a set when I turned 80. So when I had my full set of damage gear I wanted a new goal – Magic Find gear. Now I have two sets, and the way I see it is that my MF gear is for exploring – doing dailies, easy dungeons (let’s be fair, MF only replaces the third, weakest stat) and basically, are now my clothes I use to explore in.

When things get tougher (harder dungeons, WvW fights) I can put on my other gear and not let my side down.

I’d rather see a wardrobe system where sets can be changed easier rather than taking up all my bag slots. The comment above mentions “doing more on a mob” to recieve better loot – well I feel I have done more already in crafting my own MF gear.

Vabbi EU server - Empty population issue

in Suggestions

Posted by: Igram.9032


I agree with most of the above, and would probably end up repeating many points. I have been in Vabbi since day 1 and it has it feels like home. Everywhere I go I tend to bump into the same faces which is what I like (both from within my guild and out). Therefore it is hard for me to leave because I feel for every one person that leaves, the situation gets worse. It’s a shame that Anet allowed all these free transfers, because the server started off great.

I hope something happens and soon, for all of the above issues raised.