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Old School Dueling System

in Suggestions

Posted by: Iltrinity.8503



I respect your thoughts and thank you for the comment!
Actually, it’s a bit funny. I kind of know exactly how hard it would be to implement this into the game, since one of my realy close friends used to program and create servers and also adding things and stuff, (he even made some own games, not as fancy as gw2 ofcourse but still). It ofcourse depends on, like if your going to make a whole new area for this it will be realy hard but if it just will be an option that you can have access to almost anywhere it won’t be as hard to implement. However I respect you for having that thought, and in most situations I think that would be right. What I meant was that Anet have some professional employees that know what they are doing and they can make this to either a big deal or just do it in the most simple way possible, either way would work nothing fancy is needed. I’m sorry about that, I should have been more clear at that part, my bad I know what you meant but well it wasn’t the important part in this topic so lets not make it to a big deal thank you

I checked out the link and I found that there both were people supporting this case, and people who are against it. I didn’t read through all of it, but I scrolled some back and forth and I did indeed find some interesting points of view. I’m not going to bring that whole disscusion over here, but I will try to find a solution to some of the problems with free world dueling, or whatever we should call it.

I read that somone thought it was anoying to get spammed with theese dueling requests. Well, we could easily solve that with putting a setting that can “turn off duels”, which means that people can’t challenge you on a duel before you unbox it. But you can still challenge others. (Please don’t respond with that I said that it was easy to do this, keep the comments more relevant please, that goes for everyone). Other than the “turn off duels” feature, my point in the rules section above, with the antispam is in my opinion a pretty good awnser.

An other guy wrote that he didn’t want to have to look at people dueling on the street. I can understand him, but since me and many others want to make this happend we would be glad if you could like have some certain “zoones” or areas, like Lions Arch for example. Where you can’t duel so that the people that doesn’t even like to watch it can stay in the cities or mind their own business. It could also be the opposite so that dueling only is avaible in certain loocation. However we who are supporting dueling want to be able to do it in a non pvp related area with nearby events and stuff and where we can use our own armor instead of the one that you get in the mists. In this particulary case there are many solutions and I don’t know which one suit gw2 the best, but my vote would go to the “No duels in bigger cities”. An other option would be to make a whole new zoone with either dueling or as a duel free zone, but that would cause alot of work. It would also limit the possibilities if it where a “duel zoone” (duels are allowed), because if you can’t lvl from 1-80 there it takes away theese fun low lvl duels.
I can’t see how world dueling is a problem in this game, since you can do it in so many ways, and even if there are som problems with it, there are so many more solutions. I guess it’s just because I realy want them to implement this but then again if they don’t like it, I don’t have very much influence.

Thank you for your response JustTrogdor, I hope this made it all a little more clear for you guys and girls, how my thougths are in this case


Anton “Iltrinity” Carlsson

Old School Dueling System

in Suggestions

Posted by: Iltrinity.8503


-Okey, basically my idea, is that there in guild wars 2 should be some kind of dueling system. I have two different versions off the idea. I know there is this 1v1 thing you can do and thats fine, but my idea is a little different. It more reminds of the old wow system where you basically could duel anyone anywhere (except in the cities), and yes I know this game isn’t supposed to be like wow. So what I have come up with is that there could be like a certain place or territory where you could just simply challenge anyone on a duel, without having to do something or turn in tickets or whatever. Just a fun challenge between you and your friend. So the two versions is that you either could do it anywhere or in a specific country or area, aslong as you can use your noraml pve armor and do it in a “normal area”, not in the mists or any other arena related territory. There could even be events going on around and stuff like that so you could duel while waiting on a new event. Also with dueling anyone, I mean anyone so for example if I have a lvl 10 ranger I could duel a lvl 15 ranger, or a lvl 80 warrior or anything else.

-The rules in this dueling challenge could look something like this:

-The winner winns when the opponent reach 1 health in downed stance. (to prevent damaged armor, also after the duel both get like a invunerable buff for x seconds to prevent death)
-You are not allowed to run away to far from either the opponent or from where you started the duell. If you stay to far away for more than 5 seconds the duel will interrupt, and neither off them wins.
-There could be a surrender button to more quickly give up, or you could type /surrender to surrender.
-If a lower lvl character is about to duel with a higher lvl, the lower lvl character gets to choose whether he want to duel in his own lvl or do it in the same way as WvWvW works, that you both get to the higher lvled characters lvl and the lower lvled character gets some boosts in his/her stats. Traits, abilities and armor won’t be affected, so both still keep everything they got, which may cause the higher lvled character to get a slightly advantage, but thats fine.
-You can only participate in one duel at a time.
-Antispam, If somone want to duel with you and you decline there will be a cooldown before they can challenge you again. However if you decide to challenge him on a duel after that, the cooldown will then dissapear for him and he can challenge you again. -The duel will automatically get declined if the one that is getting challenged doesn’t respond in like 1 min, or lets say x min time. Getting declined in this way will cause the one that asked for the duel to get half the cooldown penalty.
-The cooldown penalty does only affect one player, so you are still able to challenge others on a duel while having cooldown penalty on an other player.

-Feel free to submit your own ideas on this part, and tell me if you think that I have missed some important rules or if you would like to change something.

-This is a very simple feature and does not require alot of work and changes to the game. I have waited on something like this since realise, and I know that I’m not alone about that. I have asked alot of people, some disagree but many atleast want some similar duel feature. I even asked a known streamer Dontain, that agreed and helped me to create this idea. However what can you loose on it, it’s not like you have to duel, it’s just a fun thing for the people who like that kind of pvp. There shouldn’t be any rewards or costs for doing this, except maybe achievement or something like that (It could also be like this, that both get some experience and that the one that wins gets like 2x more but still very small numbers, so you can’t boost in that way, for example the winner gets the same amount experience that he/she would have got if he/she would have killed a npc creature in his/her lvl, and the one that loose the duel get half the experience for a npc in his/her lvl). Well if u can even consider this idea I guess that last part is up to you. Also you could freely take ideas from this and put into something of your own, but this is what I came up with, and I hope that we can work something out.

-Thank you for reading please leave your comments and thoughts below in the comment section


Anton “Iltrinity” Carlsson