Showing Posts For ImTooPro.9802:
This post sure does come off as arrogant. You seem to feel like you are entitled to speak for everyone on an entire server about their wishes.
I know that I would have a blast in sPvP with a capture the flag game mode. All the control skills would make it very competitive. Would anyone else be interested?
Lately I have noticed that even the crowds around dungeons have vanished. Dungeons are constantly contested, and there aren’t many people to do events with anymore, especially in the starting areas and the mid level areas. One of the ways Vindictus combated this issue was by having daily reward systems that required you to revisit older areas. Guild wars 2 could implement this with its dailies system by having you revisit older areas to do events, instead of just having a generic “complete x events”. An in game lfg system would also help. Maybe server merging for underpopulated areas? There needs to be lucrative and compelling reasons to revisit the world.