Showing Posts For Ineedmoney.8570:

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ineedmoney.8570


‘’I have responded to your other forum post. Please find it. Do not post multiple posts about the same subject, just as you must not submit multiple tickets about the same issue.
The team will help you as soon as they are able to do so.’’

hi gaile i havnt had response to my post/ or cant find one on the forums nor the support account am i going to have to go another day with out any kind of explanation? im starting to get very fustrated with the lack of help/support or contact from anyone

(edited by Ineedmoney.8570)

account unlock

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ineedmoney.8570


have sent a ticket in to support haven’t been able to log in for 3 days was hacked the hacker kept logging into my account the same time as me i contacted support they have temporarily disabled my account, the only problem is no one will reply to my ticket to unlock my account so i can play again any one else had this happen its very frustrating, my forum account has even been disable so i have to use my brothers to post this, anyone else had this issue?

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ineedmoney.8570


any news on mine yet gaile? im missing winters day!

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ineedmoney.8570


#121212-002140 my brothers account was hacked then he was dealing with support who got him a password reset now changed his password logged on for a few seconds to be kicked off and account susspended while they deal with the hacking we have tried to contact suppoirt on the matter but still have heard no response from them they were great in getting the account back but now they wont reply so we can get the account unbanned/susspended

p.s its been days and no response and still cant log into the game or forums on his own account still getting the message ‘’ we have detected that your account may have been accessed by an unauthorised individual. for security, further access to the account has been suspended untill this matter can be resolved. to restore access to this account please contact support’’ we have and still have had no answer what is going on at least if some form of contact would happen it would ease the fustration but not a word its ridiculous # 121212-002140 need help

(edited by Moderator)