Showing Highly Rated Posts By Infamous Darkness.3284:

Have you talked with Evon?

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: Infamous Darkness.3284

Infamous Darkness.3284

“Because Evon Gnashblade’s the hero Lions Arch deserves, but not the one it needs right now.” “He’s a silent guardian. a watchful protector.” Mr. E

Infamous Culverin(engi[Main]), one of every other class.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”

(edited by Infamous Darkness.3284)

Is Anyone Else Excited to finally...

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Infamous Darkness.3284

Infamous Darkness.3284

I would have to disagree with you on the Flame and Frost not being serious, as it was about two xenophobic groups dredge former slaves, changed to communist regime gaining the power of magic to augment their sonic technology. Flame Legion continuing their civilish war against the other legions while gaining technological advancements to help in their fight. They both pushed south from their northern held lands destroying villages and sending a steady stream of refugees south. This I consider to have been a very good move for the flame legion as they hit the high legions in their food production area essentially, that is where many of the charr “slaughter houses” were, a good way to weaken an army take out their provisions/supply lines. I am confused why the vigil got involved in that update though as they are dedicated to fighting dragons but they seemed to be the major force in destroying the Molten alliance laboratories.

A side note Russian=/=communist (there was a period where the soviet union which included Russia was communist but currently Russia is a democratic country they still have communists candidates run in their elections, but their system is currently democratic)

Infamous Culverin(engi[Main]), one of every other class.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”