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Fractals exploits are toxic for the community

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Infuse.5104



I’m running fractals 40-50 daily, got zerk gear, can switch professions, etc.
Most groups exploit mossman and mai trin, I always ask them politely to not exploit those. It either goes good and they agree, or bad and I have to leave… Consider that I spend a least a minute to convice them, I get yelled at (or written at in caps) and insulted… I’m doing nothing wrong here, and the loss of time isn’t that bad imo.

Anet, could you please fix fractals so I don’t spend my days trying to find an honest group/have a good time with other players in fractals ?

PS : I could find a guild but that would make me too involved in the game, I want to stay casual and succeed in my studies.

Suggestion of a new kind of game in spvp.

in PvP

Posted by: Infuse.5104


The Lost Witch I love your idea !

Suggestion of a new kind of game in spvp.

in PvP

Posted by: Infuse.5104


In a sense, what is MOBA exept a GvG with different mechanics ? I don’t think those two are very different. You could nearly do GvG in a moba !

Maybe a problem with gw2’s mechanics is that it’s not really supposed to encourage specific roles (GvG and MOBA do !) and that’s perhaps against the ‘’you can do what you want’’ politic. Am I right ? What do you guys think about that ? Any recommandation ?

Suggestion of a new kind of game in spvp.

in PvP

Posted by: Infuse.5104


I kinda like the MOBA idea, I did a post myself about it.
So the MOBA style has multiple additionnal layers and you guys know how it works. However we can’t do it exactly the same because the game is different obviously. Let’s look at the problems :
- If the goal is to destroy the ennemy “lord” then you have to prevent immediate lord rushes. You can do so by placing destroyable turrets (put in context it could be guard camps) and soldier waves.
- Roles in gw2 are greatly dominated by zerk and condi gear. Make it so other gears are valuable. You can do that by creating a build up mechanic (for tanks, healers) such as items or perma buffs. A tank and a healer should still be able to deal damages to soldiers efficiently tough.
- Farming/building up your character is good because it creates a momentum, however but we can’t add items because we don’t have inventory. Maybe multiples kind of stackable buffs could be implimented (some you buy, some you get automaticaly per soldier/turret kills).
- Secondary objectives must have consequences but shouldn’t be the primary objective of the game. The MOBA model is quite good. Give buffes for those who kill the boss (and additionnal trading money).
- I’d really like a jungle mechanic, but buffes that grant you speed for 1minute or 20% damage increase for example.
- The game has to be clear and shoutcastable. Best way to do it is the MOBA style imo. It favors 1v1 or 2v2 plays and maes the actions more clear so it can be perfectly analysed. I get more fun doing 1v1s in WvW than doing team battles, tough, if built corretly team battles should be really fun.
- Team battles are hard to watch in gw2, but it’s ok. The problem is that players tend to loose their specific roles and dilute into a blob in gw2. Make it so roles can be defined. For example let the player choose wich kind of buff they want so they can play what they want.
- The mobility can be great in gw2, you travel very fast, make larger maps. This way players will think before going somewhere, and mobility is fun. Keep the narrow corridor tough.
- Gw2 battles need to be more strategic, and bushes in MOBA are a great way to make traps, ganks, etc. Create a mecanic like bushes, it’ll be great !
- Gw2 maps are not narrow enough, make lanes, clear ones please !
- I think the unlock skills system is not necessary, the emphasis is on building a momentum. In early game you should be able to have fierce battles (maybe unlock all utility skills and not the weapon skills ?) BUT you should not be able to access the ennemy base in away in early game.

If you do this, it’ll be very different from a MOBA while being inspired by it.

Who are the best players in Anet ?

in PvP

Posted by: Infuse.5104


The situation is so dire, even the best player in the dev team quit #_#

Rly ? :o Who was it ??

Who are the best players in Anet ?

in PvP

Posted by: Infuse.5104


Hello guys ! Just wondered if you guys knows some good players amongst the devs (and what class ?) Never seen someone from the pvp team play !

Arenanet want $$? Make an expansion :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Infuse.5104


I’m willing to pay 50 bucks for an expansion, heck, 120 if they have a collector’s edition !

Arenanet want $$? Make an expansion :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Infuse.5104


Difference between expansion and LS :
If you’re new/you start a new char, you get a whole expansion to play additionnaly as opposed to the LS where you have a short additional content.

Let’s face it, we’ve used the virtual world of gw2’s to the pulp, we need some new stuff, and a lot of it at once.

An expansion makes it so new comers have way more content to go trough. I think they’re not forced to make an expansion but god please add new maps and horizons. The LS didn’t have ‘’adding new maps’’ as a goal because Anet said they wanted to exploit their current world a bit more. Now is time they add a whole bunch of new stuff, not just a little bit, a lot !

(edited by Infuse.5104)

Very confused about guild halls.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Infuse.5104


They are making sure the potatoe is served hot and with gravy on it. I mean by that that they won’t add guild halls without GvG, and they seem to want to refine GvG as much as possible and find the best idea and concept for it before releasing it.

I’d be really dissapointed if the guild halls and the Gvg were made too quick.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Infuse.5104


Hello !
Hope this thread doesn’t offend anyone because I’m gonna talk about Cantha outside of the Cantha tread.

So China has recently welcomed Gw2 with open arms. The chinese players will be able to experience Gw2 like us, play like us but ALSO feel like us, and a feeling that will soon be shared across the seas will be the need for an expansion. We’ve discussed in the past about the fact that Cantha was a problematic expansion to do because of the mix of asians cultures wich is regarded as a bad thing for some asian players. But what if the asian players want Cantha anyway ? What if all China’s players want Cantha ? Would they have the will to go beyong their cultural separations ?

I think that the main thing that blocked Anet to do Cantha is that there was no existent approval to do this expansion in Asia. Maybe China’s launch was a huge setting stone to get this approval, both of the asian players but also and more importantly of NCSOFT ! Think about it… Money ! (And dreams of infinite beauty for those who care)

In the bazar of the 4 winds trailer we can clearly see asian stuff. Before this update the asian influence was not this explicit. Does this mean that Anet are free of their shakles and can now freely put asian-inspired stuff in guild wars ? Including Cantha ?

I find gear types very punishing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Infuse.5104


Hi ! I always wondered why anet decided to do different gear types… They could have made a system where you distribute your stats on your own. Instead of being forced to buy a certain gear you’d just have the ’’base’’ gear and change your stats as you want ! (like in gw1) I know it’d be hard to go back but an expansion (so all actual gears are outdated) set a new base of gear right ?

What do you guys think about it ? Why did they choose that ? I don’t like to have different armor sets in my inventory…

Idea for Guild vs Guild. Moba style.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Infuse.5104


Hello everyone !

So I’ve been missing my good old GvG mode, like a lot of player, I assume the dev do miss GvG too ! Since Gw1 and Gw2 are so different it would sure need some fixes to be applied to the second game.

My idea is this :
- 3 Lanes with soldiers waves heading to the enemy base, giving a war vibe !
Killing a soldier would grant a buff such as +1 to the characteristics prioritized in your traits, or +1 overall characteristics, or +0.1% of your characteristics. Killing a player would give a higher bonus.
- Camps would be placed on lanes wich would do the job of the turrets in MOBA games. In these camps there would be soldiers strong enough to old quite some time, who would prioritize soldiers over players for targets, and would be easy to poke (Can’t leave the camp nor shoot farther than aggro range). Of course each team would be granted with equal amount of camps in the beginning and they would be destroyable.
- 1 river crossing the lanes
- 2 Fortress (one for each team) containing each a Guild lord and all his bodyguards (the goal is to kill him).
- A forest between lanes, inside the forest there would be typical biome creatures that would give buffs.
- A trebuchet that would wipe waves of soldiers.
- Lots of places to hide and attack your enemies by surprise !

Well you catch my idea. The idea of economy building in the mode isn’t required I think, because even if the players stay on one lane without wanting to farm the soldiers, there would still be opportunities for splits, side attacks, etc. And the goal would then be to destroy the camps and progress to reach the base and then kill the Lord.

PS : We see in other MOBA that there are roles and metas (for example adc, support, ap, tank, bruisers, etc) but that’s not the goal, at the end of the day, as long as it’s fun, easy to comprehend and access (wich Gw2 would be better at), and beautiful to watch, it’s cool and competitive !

This mode would really look like a MOBA and I think it’s possible, Guild Wars 2 style.

Well here it is. Have a great day !