Showing Posts For InitiateFailure.8542:

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: InitiateFailure.8542


the TC zerg in Fa borderlands this afternoon is the weirdest thing I’ve seen in wuvwuv, so thanks for that.

It was somewhere between 50-all your people just circling the north section of the map multiple times flipping things and leaving. you got no points for it since we’d retake everything as soon as you left, just objective karma, you cleared no siege from keeps you took, hell you didn’t even seem that interested in fighting people. Just running fast in circles. and now you’re missing and we’re all living in fear.

10/12 Tarnished Coast/Fort Aspenwood/Blackgate

in WvW

Posted by: InitiateFailure.8542


I know you guys are just letting off some steam with the “you have more” arguments, but it really goes deeper than that. TC are easy kills, and FA zergs can be taken down with half their size.

As for wasting resources, why has no one mentioned our 4 golem suicide on the Greenlake door last night? I want recognition for that 4 gold down the drain! :P

Funny. our 20ish person FA group says the same. We can hold, choke & route much larger forces than ours pretty easily. I wish we’d gotten to fight a bg force half our size this week. maybe my timing this week didn’t line up with server pops.

Zergs everywhere are always gonna zerg. Coordinated groups are always going to be better than the zerg. Our group is better than your zerg. your group is better than our zerg. Who cares zerg v zerg. They’re already dead on the inside.