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Something needs to be done about dagger 1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ink.6491


I would rather they just hit multiple targets at the same short range they are at (with maybe a damage increase). We have gap closers and CC. increase range simple makes us lazy. Allowing necros to hit multiple targets will increase the Necrobomb power, substantially, while still keeping the skill ceiling elevated and a use for DS abilities.

and while we are on this topic. Axe should be given an attack similar to the trident 1. to form better synergy with axe 3.

Vampiric in patch notes clarification

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ink.6491


38 health now.
27 attacks and you’ve got yourself a 1000 health boost.

normally that sounds horrible. but I think its more of a trait for wells
so… lets say you run wells

4 wells x 5 ticks x 38 vamp = 760 heal (multiply this number by number of enemies in wells, include pets)
and one of those wells is a heal.
when you add in… say axe… its 8 hits x 38 vamp = 304

I’m not saying its great but its definitely a source of sustain.

How do YOU play your necro in WvWvW ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ink.6491


while in mob…. Wells Wells Wells Wells, Marks Marks Marks Marks
defend gates and choke points or assault enemy wall defenders/seige.

while in small (guild) group; depending on size I’m wells again using well of darkness for the freezing. also support role and make field combos.

while solo; why would anyone solo in WvW?

Necro by far worst downed state.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ink.6491


Our 1 is great thanks to its sustain
2 is garbage unless runes and traits and even if you have… its single target, your dead regardless if there is more then one. guardian thief and mesmer all out class our 2. war and engineer are on par. ele is bad.
3 is nice damage….. to bad your almost dead. Pure damage is nice and all but whats the use if your almost dead? even if you down the target your almost dead. Your not recovering at this point even with the sustain from 1 unless a teammate comes to help.
4 is irreverent

I predict full rework

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ink.6491


@Angry Flying Squirrel
bit to far in the tree to be viable. plus the return of 3 seconds is way not worth it.

DS scales with toughness if I recall? and if you want any kind of damage with DS you have to invest in power. Far to split up to work.

Could due with being moved to a different tree or lowered in the SR tree.

I predict full rework

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ink.6491


I don’t know. I like the current necromancer. Its not supper burst but retaliation and wells with DS/switching weapons create nice combos.. and DS scales reasonable with power necros but I agree is does nto go well with none power necros.
I don’t think I am ever spamming a single key more then others really…. (2222222 thief).

outside of the bugs.. which are extensive. the only thing I would like to see is our downstate changed (its weak unless you trait into it… whats the point? I would rather spend points on useful things I can do while up and fighting). The ability to shift into DS and fight while downed(guardian bubbles, thief disappears, war can get up and fight for 10 seconds?)(replace the 3 ability with DS entering) or how about our number 2 fear being an AoE instead of single target would be great (yes there is a trait(s) that does an AoE fear when you fall but what good is that if you can’t control when to use it)

one last item I want is, stability. it just seems like there should be a trait to get it when entering DS much like retaliation and fury. It would also put a serious mix up in spvp/tpvp where people like to stack every knockdown interrupt known to asura.

in short, if the bugs are fixed, we will be in a much better situation. But I still dislike the downstate. The whole idea of traiting into your downstate expecting to be beaten in a fight seems poor and counter productive. Stability is needed.

Tired of the non-communication and the excuses.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ink.6491


<insert random wall of text>
/rant off

I want to be like HIM !

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ink.6491


lol…. I’m depressed now…