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Sylvari Thief
No boosts
Well. I’m all fine with chance but I have opened 5,000+ bags. Personalized and not. I’m just worried hearing some people open 10,000 and no results. When do I decide to stop. Normally I wouldn’t care how long it takes but if the event ends they I have no chance to get it.
I have obtained said recipes multiple times. Just no tonic. I just don’t know when I draw the line. My guild members said I should stop. I told them this is something I really want but like you said it’s not guaranteed.
This is not another Halloween rant because I think everything ANET has done is more than fair. I was just curious as to how long/how many bags have people opened to get the Endless Halloween Tonic? We can say i have opened more than a few with no results as of now.