Showing Posts For Ironfist.2895:

New Guild Armor?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ironfist.2895


It’s going to be at least a couple of weeks before we can confirm if the armour/weapons come from these vendors

the following are the suspected upgrades required for the recipes.

I should have nodes in my hall some time in the next week, though, with RNG, it may be some time before materials come from them that I can try to see if the weapons are discovery items.

Guild Hall, Market and Decoration

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ironfist.2895


There are 2 things up with the Market Upgrades.
First there is the “Guild Enhancement: Critical Gathering” This upgrade has the flavour text of the Crafting upgrade in the upgrades panel. Not yet built it, so can’t comment if functionality is also incorrect.
Secondly, the “Lumber Synthesiser 4” upgrade breaks the flow of other upgrades, all others require the wood added to the node, this upgrade adds Elder Wood, yet displays requiring Hard Wood Planks.

Decoration, not sure if it’s a bug or not, but, my fellow leader who doesn’t have HoT, and all other members in the same situation with permission are able to buy decorations, but are unable to place anything as all decorations say upgrading to HoT is required to activate. Is this intended? we’d like to be able to decorate the hall together as a guild, make it feel like home, but some people will be left out if that’s intended.

Thanks for all the work put into the guild halls, really enjoying playing with them so far!

New Guild Armor?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ironfist.2895


From what I can tell, you need the upgrades from the workshop that give you nodes in your guild hall, these sometimes give you the items needed to craft them. Then you need the Market and the Armourer\Weaponsmith upgrades there to actually craft them

RNG as a concept: Discuss

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ironfist.2895


I don’t mind the RNG as it is, however, I’m one of those people that am looking at 20 years at current rate to complete the Tequatl weapon set…

Some kind of implementation around the 2.5 proposal above would be welcome to me. It could possibly be used as a sink for some of the large amounts of Dragonite most of us have lying around as well, maybe even adding some worthwhile drops to the Karka Queen loot table while they’re at it!

CDI- Guilds- Logistics and QOL

in CDI

Posted by: Ironfist.2895


Proposal Overview
Guild Mission “Buddy” System

Goal of Proposal
Give a way for Small guilds to gain merits more easily by either inviting other guilds to join their missions, or inviting a player to join the mission and gain the standard guild member reward without them having to join the guild its self providing an incentive for them to help

Proposal Functionality
Add 2 new options available to people who have both “Admin Lower Ranks” and “Mission Control” permission while a Guild Mission is active.
First option “Invite player to join Mission” This will give the invited player the mission rewards upon completion even though they don’t belong to the guild.
Second option “Invite Guild to join Mission” this adds the mission to the Mission panel of the invited guild, this gives a couple of options “Accept” and “Activate Mission” and “Decline”.
“Accept” allows all members to gain the reward, and on completion of the mission along with gives some influence (say 3000 like current bounty training).
“Activate Mission” consumes an upgrade for that mission type and allows the invited guild to gain the merits associated provided the mission is complete, possibly with some bonus influence as an extra reward for helping out.
“Decline” does the obvious and removes the offer from the mission panel

Associated Risks
Some cap would need to be added to the number of invited players or guilds that can join together so that you don’t end up with loads of mega guilds zerging t3 bounties together. Also, maybe a reduced reward on completing a mission as a guest if you have already completed it this week as an incentive to help (single roll on bonus chest loot table with possibility to get the bonus items maybe?)

Also my Top 3 are

1. ^ This post / better Guild Mission functionality for small Guilds
2. Guild Halls
3. Access to all joined Guild chats

Double u Tee EF!I just got my WvW rewardchest

in WvW

Posted by: Ironfist.2895


Nice to see that you got 4th place, looks like if you win and the Gandara\Gunnar’s\FSP matchup stays the same all 3 of us that end up on 29 points will get the 2nd place chest.

Just have to hope that it hands one out for you at the end of the tourny too!

Adjust difficulty for Guild Bounty Training

in Guild Missions

Posted by: Ironfist.2895


As a simple fix, the Training missions could be made to be like the Rush etc, you have 5 hours to find the target, then the mission timer starts when you activate the fight.
Maybe reduce that to an hour to find it and extend the time on the fight event to 10 mins. That should hopefully alleviate the time constraint for smaller guilds.

Southsun Back Pieces and Infusions

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Ironfist.2895


The Wiki states that the back pieces remain account bound when infused with the versatile infusion from fractals. This infusion has the default state of Account Bound.

Has anyone tried with the Defensive Stat +AR infusions (i.e The wiki states these infusions are “Soulbound on Acquire”, does that cause the back piece to become soulboud? Othewise, the Omni infusions with Stat + AR are listed as Account bound, so would those be needed instead?

The general suggestion thread

in API Development

Posted by: Ironfist.2895


a Character API in general to be able to pull the following basic info

  • Character Name
  • Race
  • Class
  • Portrait image link (the one you get when you target someone. Presumably these are pre-baked and downloaded from somewhere?)
  • Represented Guild

A couple of small things I’d personally like that would be nice to get but not required:

  • Chosen Organisation (Whispers, Priory, Vigil, None)
  • Charisma, Dignity, Ferocity values

being able to get Achievements in the Leaderboards API would be good as well (total points and overall rank if possible)

Issues with the Guild System? Post here!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ironfist.2895


Guild: Prayers Unto Balthazar
Server: Gunnar’s Hold

I’ve been seeing issues with influence not being properly added to the guild since Sat, either I’m seeing none at all or anywhere between 10 and 50% of the actual number of completed events.
I’ll need to check tonight, but, I have a feeling it’s possibly just the characters I was playing with on Sat when the guild\login server issues occurred that this is affecting

follow up: Definitely the characters I was playing on Sat that have the issues. did Jormag last night, 4 personal event rewards, guild shows completing 1 event for 2 influence. My Guardian who i didn’t play on Sat, did 5 events, and got credit for all 5.

(edited by Ironfist.2895)

Expand Uses for Regular Fractal Relics

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ironfist.2895


yes, please, Essence, accessories and amulets for relics, doesn’t have to be cheap, but i have over 3k of the things and nothing to spend them on…

Where are my cogs?!!??

in Wintersday

Posted by: Ironfist.2895


how did you got 400 already? i’ve only managed to get 200 as the reward was 100 from each day :/

In my view, toy Ventaris are way too powerful

in Wintersday

Posted by: Ironfist.2895


Anyone who straight out AOE attacks them gets Retaliated to death pdq, 5 mobs with Protection and Retaliation, I can see why most people find them hard.
I can just about kill them with my Hammer Guardian, but when i can take the 5 skritt + pulling in 3-4 grawl\icebrood fine if they happen to pull, but the ventari it’s 50/50 if i’ll actually manage to kill just the 5 without dying.

Solutions to the mini pet issue

in Wintersday

Posted by: Ironfist.2895


I’d like to see them available for the jumpers and hats, even if it’s like 500+ and 1000+ for the Quaggan.
So, Basically 3, but using the system they have in game already.

See list of allowed IP and revoke old IPs

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ironfist.2895


Is there any way to see what IPs have been permanently allowed on your account?
I was on mobile internet for a while while waiting a fixed connection, i think i may have allowed one of the dynamic IPs assigned permanent access to my account.
I’d like to be able to check what has access to make sure all that is there is my new static IP and revoke any IPs that are old.
